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Unmaintained HowTo: Add a dynamic footer to XenForo 1.0

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The footer on XenForo forum software may be modified to include the latest five resources to the resource manager and the latest five threads added to the community.

Constraints: You must own the resource manager and have it installed.

  • Text editor
  • FTP software
This is the look of the final work.
Screen Shot 2013-06-14 at 1.40.59 PM.webp

WARNING: Create this add-on locally first. Do not edit on a live site.

Step 1: Create the file /library/TuxFooter/Listener/Footer.php

Step 2: Add the following into the Footer.php file


class TuxFooter_Listener_Footer {

    public static function includeTuxFooter($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_template_Abstract $template) {

        if($hookName == 'ad_below_bottom_breadcrumb') {



            <div class="forum_footer">

            <div class="forum_posts_leftside">

            <h3>latest tux reports network resources</h3>


            /* Script to pull the latest updated resources from the XF Resource Manager */

            /** @var $resModel  XenResource_Model_Resource */

            $resModel = XenForo_Model::create('XenResource_Model_Resource');

            $fetchOptions = array('limit' => 5, 'order' => 'resource_date', 'direction' => 'desc');

            $rmupdates = $resModel->getResources(array(), $fetchOptions);

            foreach ($rmupdates AS $rmupdate) {

                echo ("<div class='entry-meta'><a href='" . XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('resources', $rmupdate) . "' >" . XenForo_Helper_String::wholeWordTrim($rmupdate['title'], 55) . "</a> <br /></div>"); // Echo the title with a link.



                    </div><!-- Close forum_posts_leftside -->

                    <div class="forum_posts">

                        <h3>latest posts from our community</h3>


                        /* Script to pull the latest posts from the XF Forum */

                        $db = XenForo_Application::getDb();

                        if ( !$db ) {

                            die( 'This script did not connect to the database' . mysql_error() );


                        $thread_qry = "

                                    SELECT * FROM `xf_thread`

                                    ORDER BY `last_post_date` DESC

                                    LIMIT 5


                        $threads = XenForo_Application::get('db')->fetchAll($thread_qry);

                        foreach (    $threads AS $thread ) {

                            echo ("<div class='entry-meta'><a href='" . XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('threads', $thread) . "' >" . XenForo_Helper_String::wholeWordTrim($thread['title'], 48) . "</a> <span style='float:right; margin-right:60px'>Viewed: " . $thread['view_count']

                                    . "</span><br /></div>"); // Echo the title with a link.



                    </div><!-- Close forum_posts -->

                </div><!-- Forum Footer -->


                $contents .= ob_get_contents();






Adjust the hyperlinks so that they match your website.

Step 3: Enable development for your community

Edit the /library/config.php

Add the line

$config['debug'] = true;

Save the file

Step 4: Log into your community's admin panel.

Step 5: Create the add-on

development > Create Add-on

Screen Shot 2013-06-14 at 1.49.32 PM.webp

Step 6: Create the listener

Add the information as shown in the image. Save Event Listener.

Screen Shot 2013-06-14 at 1.52.13 PM.webp

Step 7: Test the loading of your site. Did the footer now show?

Step 8: Add the CSS information to your liking.

Step 9: Comment out the debug line in the /library/config.php file.

If you are able to do this work locally then complete the same steps on your live site.

This is my first add-on modification. I am not an expert but learning. Please do not PM me for help but ask in the discussion. ;)
First release
Last update


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Glad this is working for you. Please don't forget to add a link to your work so others can see it in action.
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