Resources by lms

BBCode Nota de XenFacil (XenFacil's BBCode Note) Spanish install
BBCode Note, Information, Warning and Tip.
Move threads to recycle byn/both hard soft Delete Threads CRON entry
.xml Spanish install file for [Tinhte] XenTag Add-on
Unmaintained [bd] MencionaMe 1.6.5
[bd] Tag Me - MencionaME - .xml spanish install add-on
.xml file for Mobile Agent Tracer Spanish install Add-on
Selector de estilo móvil, Mobile Style Selector, spanish translation and install
Search Style Properties .xml spanish install file, Buscar en Propiedades del Estilo
[dc] Smiley Manager spanish install - Gestor de emoticonos instalación en español
Put a CountDown Widget on WidgetFramework for [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) Add-on
Put a EventsBirthdays Widget on WidgetFramework for [8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events) Add-on
Put a EventsCalendar Widget on WidgetFramework for [8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events) Add-on
Put a MediaCloud Widget on WidgetFramework for [8wayRun.Com] XenMedio (Media) Add-on
Put a RecentMedia Widget on WidgetFramework for [8wayRun.Com] XenMedio (Media) Add-on
Unmaintained Código BB Tabs 1.0.2
Tabs BBCode Spanish Translation and spanish install
Spaninish translation of Solve Media CAPTCHA plug-in for XenForo
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