XenForo community

3rd AnGle
3rd AnGle
the thumbnail image is stretched and unusable in my case too..
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Can I get back to you on a couple of days. I'm in the process of moving my site to a new server, upgrading it and using XP2 to replace WordPress
3rd AnGle
3rd AnGle
sure.... good luck
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
This is what Jaxel told me...

In the templates, replace:



{xen:link attachments, $article.article_icon.data}
3rd AnGle
3rd AnGle
i don't know why he wouldn't tell me that..... thanks a lot. You saved me.
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Did it work?
3rd AnGle
3rd AnGle
the blur is gone but it is stretched... i can live with that :)
3rd AnGle
3rd AnGle
bt stretched i mean the aspect ratio.. that is expected as i am fixing the width and height
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
that might be to do with the original picture dimensions
3rd AnGle
3rd AnGle
yes.. & we are good with this.
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
That's good.
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
You understand it better than me. Could you post it as a solution in the XenPorta 2 thread in case someone else needs it.
3rd AnGle
3rd AnGle
am not sure if we are trying to achieve the same thing
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
No, you're right. We're working on very different looks. Mine is very bespoke.
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