Recent content by rys

  1. rys

    Should you always rebuild the search index after upgrading XenES?

    Great, thanks for letting me know!
  2. rys

    Should you always rebuild the search index after upgrading XenES?

    Should you always rebuild the search index after you upgrade the XenES add-on? I realised I'd neglected keeping up-to-date on XenES, but the manual isn't clear (at least to me) whether the add-on upgrade rebuilds the caches, or whether I have to do it manually. Thanks!
  3. rys


    Yep, just copying the add-on files into place again did the trick. Not sure what happens during add-on upgrade to break it, but so far that seems to have resolved it.
  4. rys


    I've been working on fixing it on my dev server. Seems like copying the 1.1.1 add-on files over again is enough to fix it, but I've been doing other stuff so I'm not 100% sure if that's what fixed it. Edit: tried it in production and that did the trick. Not sure why, though!
  5. rys


    If I go to the UI.X Styles page in ACP, I get an error message ("An unknown error has occurred.") rather than the styles list. Known problem talking to the TH server? I'm on 1.1.1c, XF at 1.5.12.
  6. rys

    [Tinhte] XenTag

    Is there any fix in sight for the getTagger() bug?
  7. rys


    Is there any way around the situation you can get yourself in where you install XenForo and UI.X updates in a certain order, and end up with templates that XF thinks are out-of-date and need merging by hand? It manifests on my board as the template having a smaller version number than its...
  8. rys

    Guide to creating template helper functions

    Excellent, that's worked great. Thanks a lot, and sorry for not realising how to enable debug mode.
  9. rys

    Guide to creating template helper functions

    I'd seen that guide previously but didn't think it applied to XF 1.3+. If it still applies to 1.5, I can't see the Development part of the Admin CP that lets you create new add-ons and event listeners. Sorry if I'm just being really blind and it's right in front of me somewhere.
  10. rys

    Guide to creating template helper functions

    Hi all, I want to write a helper function available to my site templates, to help me integrate with a third-party service. I've written the function to work on the data, and I know how to call it from a template. How do I package that function up into the right files inside my XF install so...
  11. rys

    Email Queuing Enhancements

    Every now and again I get the following error in my admin logs (XF 1.4.10): ErrorException: Missing argument 2 for SV_EmailQueue_XenForo_Model_MailQueue::insertFailedMailQueue(), called in library/SV/EmailQueue/XenForo/Mail.php on line 24 and defined...
  12. rys


    Does that mean UI.X development for XF 1.4.x boards has effectively stopped and won't receive any updates or fixes?
  13. rys


    Sorry if this question has an obvious answer, but can the UI.X styles be used with an XF install that's still on 1.4.x, or should I only update the styles when my board is at 1.5?
  14. rys

    Enhanced Search server config

    Thanks for letting me know, that fits what I saw earlier. Is there a way to trigger a rebuild of the option cache by changing or populating a field in the database, or by hitting a certain admin page, or some other method?
  15. rys

    Enhanced Search server config

    Hey all, I use Enhanced Search, and I have different IPs for my elasticsearch instance in development and production. When I use my production backups to refresh the development instance, I need to change the elasticsearch server IP to the development one, so the development instance can pick...
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