Recent content by Rhodium

  1. Rhodium

    [AP] Minimum Characters for Post Count

    Tested in Xenforo 2.3 beta7 and not working :(
  2. Rhodium

    SMTP mail not sending using TLS

    For me Amazon SES works with port 465 and tls. In xenforo 2.2 was working with 587 and tls, so something its diferent.
  3. Rhodium

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    Yep, this fixed the problem! Thanks so much :whistle:
  4. Rhodium

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    It only happend with videos i think. Sample urls:
  5. Rhodium

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    Nice feature! but when quoting a post with images i get broken links or downloading .data files.
  6. Rhodium

    Safari push notifications coming to macOS and iOS

    I can't enable push notifications in normal browser now in android, i'm the only one?
  7. Rhodium

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    I found a bug with r2 storage, if i delete the local files from data folder after rclone move, all my old smilies uploaded by xenforo system gets a 404 error: So I need to change manually to my r2 subdomain: Same for pwa icons and so :D
  8. Rhodium

    Fixed Accept the cookies again and again after each log out/log in

    Yep, every logout with new advanced cookies clears the consent, so annoying.
  9. Rhodium

    s9e Media Sites

    Yep maybe its that because when i put a short tiktok url the editor keeps loading, i tested with:
  10. Rhodium

    s9e Media Sites

    Can you add support for tiktok short urls? They are like: and are generated by mobile app :D
  11. Rhodium

    Fixed PWA loading issues

    Yes, im still experiencing this, only happends installing the PWA, not in browser mode.
  12. Rhodium

    Fixed PWA loading issues

    When pressing back button after entering in a thread, i see a infinite loading spinner on top, it happends with some diferents actions too. Steps to reproduce: 1. Install PWA xenforo 2. Press refresh 3. Enter in any thread 4. Press back Tested in Android, Windows and Linux under Chrome.
  13. Rhodium

    Contact Us Spam

    Try with Hcaptcha if you are using google recaptcha, it works better for me to control contact us spam.
  14. Rhodium

    s9e Media Sites

    Check you browser extensions, some guy of my forum was having same problem and was duckduckgo.
  15. Rhodium

    Fixed [E_WARNING] Attempt to read property "result_count" on null

    After upgrading to 2.2.10 i'm having this recurring error: PHP 8.1.8, was fine in 2.2.9
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