[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

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I found a bug with r2 storage, if i delete the local files from data folder after rclone move, all my old smilies uploaded by xenforo system gets a 404 error:


So I need to change manually to my r2 subdomain:


Same for pwa icons and so :D
One of my moderators keeps saying that he occasionally has to refresh the page and that a blue box with a question mark is loading instead of avatars. Once he refreshes it is fine. I have been on a plane all day (ATL->JFK->SAN) so I can't really see what he is experiencing. Is there a setting in Cloudflare that could be causing this?
Not that I’ve ever heard of (would be a strange setting for sure). Maybe if you have security set high for your site and he’s on an IP where Cloudflare might think they might be a bot? That’s the only thing I can think of.
What needs to be done under zero trust to use "Cloudflare access policies"? Do I need to create a gateway policy? I also don't see anywhere to configure my email.
If you are using the function of the add-on to use Access to lockdown your admin area, it will use the email of anyone that is setup as an admin initially (the email on your account on your site). If you want to add admins later, you need to do that yourself (it doesn’t add/remove admins beyond the initial setup).
If you are using the function of the add-on to use Access to lockdown your admin area, it will use the email of anyone that is setup as an admin initially (the email on your account on your site). If you want to add admins later, you need to do that yourself (it doesn’t add/remove admins beyond the initial setup).
After I click "Add Cloudflare Access policy..." in XF nothing happens.
What Login Method are you using with it?
One-time pin.

I was able to setup an application in Zero Trust and configure it to allow my email to access the admin panel. This appears to work though the redirect fails. The update shows in my admin panel but click the button "Add Cloudflare Access policy..." doesn't do anything. I assume this would add other admin emails?

Also do I need to create an application for restricting admin and install or is there a way I can do that with one application?
If you already made an application access policy, the add-on won’t do anything (it does not update an already existing one). The only thing it can do is initially create one that doesn’t already exist. It does not add/remove admins if they come or go or anything like that either. It’s more like it creates a starting point for you. And yes, admin and install “applications” are different.
Thanks for this. Very helpful!

Everything seems to work for me except the Manage Country Blocking. I get "Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console." when clicking on that button. Anyone ran into that? How to fix?
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digitalpoint updated [DigitalPoint] Cloudflare with a new update entry:

Support for guest page caching at network edge

  • Ability to cache HTML pages for guests in Cloudflare data centers (much, much faster website for guests)
  • Fixed misspelling of Cloudflare in two phrases
  • Fixed issue where you wouldn't be able to change API token if your existing API token was invalid
  • Added support for Cloudflare Cache Rules
  • Removed auto-configuration option for CSS and image proxy caching via Page Rules
  • Added support for auto-configuration for CSS and image proxy caching via Cache Rules...

Read the rest of this update entry...
might be too early to ask. but wouldn't guest caching require cookie based checking which is a paid feature on cloudflare? probably should install the update first 😛
might be too early to ask. but wouldn't guest caching require cookie based checking which is a paid feature on cloudflare? probably should install the update first 😛
That was how you used to need to do it (with the Bypass Cache on Cookie option in Page Rules). More info on that in their old blog post here (yes, it required a Business or Enterprise plan):

...however, they introduced Cache Rules a few months ago, and with it, the ability to do it without the need to even use a Page Rule. The net result is you can do it even on a Free plan.

There are some additional intricacies I needed to work out (it wasn't as simple as a Cache Rule being added) to make it retain functionality of XenForo for guests (for example AJAX requests working and some other things), but the add-on handles all that stuff behind the scenes.
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