Recent content by optimus

  1. optimus

    Anyone tried to use ngx_cache_purge for full page cache ?

    Around 40% of them are guests. I don't like how "[bd] Cache" work. Want something proxy based to bypass php calling and to go direct for cached files...
  2. optimus

    Anyone tried to use ngx_cache_purge for full page cache ?

    Hi, Xenforo already use memcache for object and db cache, but want to try to cache full page as static, without varnish, and best option for this is to use ngx_cache_purge module for nginx. For wordpress is this plugin but for xenforo no :(, so I want...
  3. optimus

    TMDb Integration - Movie Info Generator

    An demo is possible ?
  4. optimus

    XF 1.2 [LF Recommendations] MemcacheD BackEnd Other Cache Options?

    location ~ \.php$ { set $no_cache ""; if ($query_string ~ ".+") { set $no_cache "1"; } if ($request_method !~ ^(GET|HEAD)$ ) { set $no_cache "1"; } if...
  5. optimus

    XF 1.2 [LF Recommendations] MemcacheD BackEnd Other Cache Options?

    ngx_pagespeed can use memcached to cache some things but just used it for 3 days and increase my site with +1second in load with some high cpu load for nginx, I don't recommand to use ngx_pagespeed with xenforo. What config do you used for FastCGI caching ? Just tried to make it working and...
  6. optimus

    nginx pagespeed or nginx concat module ?

    In my case using pagespeed increase page load with +1second and with some high CPU Memory resource costs and disabled it forever. So i think much better is to use xcache for opcode and memcache for variable, sessions and other things. Pagespeed is ok for blogs, websites, but not for forums. I...
  7. optimus

    Personal Conversation - How to remove participants

    Dear xenforo dev, please add this feature in next releases, hate because can't remove conversation participants, it need to be by default in core, with remove privilege for creator global mod and admin.
  8. optimus

    xcache or apc + memcache ?

    Thank you, I do how you say, now xcache compile entire page, for variable need to be added in config.php, now for me is much better, from ~2 - 3 load come down to 0.30-0.40, taigachat is a killer for xenforo my chat is verry used 1 - 2 msg / second.
  9. optimus

    xcache or apc + memcache ?

    $config['cache']['backend'] = 'Xcache'; and $config['cache']['backend'] = 'Memcached'; $config['cache']['backendOptions'] = array( 'servers' =>array( array( 'host' => '', // your memcached server ip /address 'port' => 11211 // memcached port ) ), 'compression' => false ); in same time...
  10. optimus

    xcache or apc + memcache ?

    Hi, I have an forum with ~100 users online and some good activity, but my php gona crazy now i'm ussing nginx as webserver + php-fpm 5.4 and memcache, there are some writes from notification system and my vps have an huge load ~3.0 with 2 core and 1gb ram. What sugestion can be better for me...
  11. optimus

    FontAwesome Icons in Visitor Tab & Account Wrapper

    Join here: and read "Requesting New Icons". Anyway, it need updated, now is to version 4.0.1
  12. optimus

    Unread Post Count

    How i can cache it ?
  13. optimus

    Unread Post Count

    this count number is cached ?
  14. optimus

    Better Analytics

    Ussing this addon by Google Analytics got this error: Method _trackPageLoadTime is deprecated. _trackPageLoadTime is deprecated. Site Speed tracking is enabled by default with trackPageview call...
  15. optimus

    XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

    @The Sandman 1. Disable addon from admin.php?add-ons/ 2. Download/unzip/upload all file on your server 3. Go to admin.php?add-ons and control/Upgrade Add-on with new xml version. 4. Enable your addon, and all is done, without issue.
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