Recent content by JK2447

  1. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Password security

    Thanks very much Mike. I'd not seen that sorry. I do try and keep up with important posts on here like that' but between the day job, the kids, anyway thank you mate, much appreciated
  2. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Password security

    Hi All I went into my email this morning and found the usual garbage emails in my junk, but this time one email stated part of my email address and my actual password for my xenforo forum! I immediately changed it, setup 2 factor which I've meant to do for ages now, but I'm now alarmed that...
  3. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Some users randomly unable to post

    Thanks very much mods for you help. I think this was possibly caused by the user but I may also have an issue with my webserver. I'll do more checks. For now the user in question an post again so thanks again. I purchased a forum running xenforo so I know little but while looking into this...
  4. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Some users randomly unable to post

    Thank you guys. I have changed my two users to valid but will get them to confirm they still have access to the email addresses they have. I'm sure I've asked them but I'll ask again
  5. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Some users randomly unable to post

    I'm sorry that I haven't articulated this well but thanks a lot gentlemen I really appreciate that. The user sees the following. I'll try the analyser thank you
  6. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Some users randomly unable to post

    Has anyone troubleshooted this issue on their forum? I randomly have two prominent members of my forum unable to post, although they can inbox me on the forum
  7. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Some users randomly unable to post

    Hi all Has anyone seen this? I’m on 1.5.21. Two users are able to DM me but cannot post. When I looked into their accounts it said awaiting confirmation email from an edit. I forced it to say Valid but this didn’t fix it. Other users and myself seem Ok. Any ideas please guys? Thanks James
  8. JK2447

    Partial fix Not a valid Mime Message

    I too get this error still on XF 1.5.21. I can't get my head around what's causing it :(
  9. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Failed parsing bounce email: Not a valid Mime Message: End Missing

    Hi All Just wondered if anyone has had the below server error please Failed parsing bounce email: Not a valid Mime Message: End Missing Stack Trace #0 /var/www/vhosts/ Zend_Mime_Decode::splitMime('This is a multi...'...
  10. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Confirm registration link no longer works

    Guys. I love you all! Thank you so so much honestly. You’ve resolved my issue. Brogan was on it straight away and you helped me finish the job. This has annoyed me so much for a while now and if you see my other posts. I’ve fixed one thing to move onto the next. My Xenforo 1.5.21 is completely...
  11. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Confirm registration link no longer works

    Thank you @Brogan. I believe it is correct showing as
  12. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Confirm registration link no longer works

    Hi All I originally had the "could not open socket" error as I've moved to a new host. I got around this by turning off the encryption in my Email Transport Method in CF, changing it to None and the port to 25 (appreciate this is my servers firewall most likely). I now get the new...
  13. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Statistics no longer updating

    just setup a test user and I am not getting an email through so I guess I need to figure out what's going on. Is there any way to change the captcha by the way?
  14. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Statistics no longer updating

    Has anyone ever had an email issue? I've just read this from @Mike and I'm now wondering if new users are getting an email from me Nov 10, 2016 #5...
  15. JK2447

    XF 1.5 Latest member not updating

    Hi buddy, I dont know if you ever got this sorted but i have the same issue. Members I create show up. Members that join of their own accord do not :(
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