vB 3.x - Fluid & Fixed

vB 3.x - Fluid & Fixed 1.4.4

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Now in an update — which I haven't done. Do you just reimport and replace? What about the changes already made to the existing version?
Rename the existing style to vB 3.x old or something then import the latest release. Now you can manually copy your changes to the newly imported style. With import/overwrite your changes would be lost.

Didn't work. Sorry.
Ok I would need to know the exact class name you want to change, as it's working here.

I've tried everything that seems to refer to that in extra.css and under the Notices/Main Container (where it is done for the regular XF style), and it doesn't change the size at all.
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OK, a few things: The Post Reply, Upload a File, and More Options… buttons need to be done, for they display in the default XF style.

Ditto for such Admin tool buttons as Spam.

Still trying to adjust size for Notice text, but everything that seems to apply does nothing.
Would be possible to change get the colors from the color palete in future versions?

.sectionMain a, .sectionMain a:visited {color:#22229c !important; text-decoration: underline !important}
replace with:
.sectionMain a, .sectionMain a:visited {color:#22229c !important}

I've tried everything that seems to refer to that in extra.css and under the Notices/Main Container (where it is done for the regular XF style), and it doesn't change the size at all.
Are you sure no styling is set in the notice content itself? I'm not sure what else to suggest as it's working fine here.

OK, a few things: The Post Reply, Upload a File, and More Options… buttons need to be done, for they display in the default XF style.

Ditto for such Admin tool buttons as Spam.

Still trying to adjust size for Notice text, but everything that seems to apply does nothing.
In vB those were basic buttons of the operating system. In XF they use their own buttons. I've changed the primary color to fit the vB color scheme, as I don't want to edit templates, and the XF ones look better IMO.
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The only styling for Notices is strong for bold. It works properly with our slightly modified version of the default XF theme. When I reduced the text size, it was reduced. But not with your theme. Any other suggestions?
/* Notices */

.PanelScroller .scrollContainer, .PanelScrollerOff .panel {background-color:#e1e4f2 !important; padding:1px !important; border:1px solid #0b198c !important; border-radius:0 !important; font-size:11pt !important}
.PanelScroller .panel, .PanelScrollerOff .panel {background-color:#f5f5ff !important}
.PanelScroller .panel a:link, .PanelScrollerOff .panel a:link,.PanelScroller .panel a:visited, .PanelScrollerOff .panel a:visited {color:#22229c !important; text-decoration:underline !important}
.PanelScroller .panel a:hover, .PanelScrollerOff .panel a:hover {color:#f40 !important}

.PanelScroller .navControls a {color:#22229c !important; background-color:#f5f5ff !important; border:1px solid #0b198c !important; border-radius:2px !important}
.PanelScroller .navControls a.current span {border-top-color:#f5f5ff !important}
.PanelScroller .navControls a.current .arrow {border-top-color:#0b198c !important}
.PanelScroller .navControls a .arrow span {border-top-color:#f5f5ff !important}

/* -------------------------- */
Works fine here, you know there's little visible difference between 11pt and 12pt right? If the problem persists you can send me login info so I can have a look.
I've been doing things with type since before most people who participate here were born. Yes I know the difference. Nothing changed when I reduced the size.
OK, installed the fixed version as the "child" of the original. I have two problems:

1. Notices text is unchanged.

2. Page width border is now doubled (meaning twice has big) as it was before. Check forum.rockoids.com for the example (I call the theme Vintage vB to make it clearer for our visitors). The Page Width Controller settings are unchanged.

Thanks @dutchbb for the great vb skin.

Can someone help out a css newb get this working better with xenporta? I just need to get the "recent news" story titles to not be blue links on blue headings. I'd prefer bold white story titles with this skin's blue heading backgrounds...

Thanks... :cool:
Would be great to get a quick update, to make the "multi-quote" message button feature of XF 1.3 match the rest of the message buttons ("like", "reply", etc).
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