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The Happy Place - Clickable Smilies Under Editor Control

Animations always slow page loads. The larger the file, the slower the page load.
Most animated smilies are small enough that you don't notice it much.
But it could seriously lag the page if you have a LOT of smilies, which is why I made this suggestion. There may have been others suggesting the same though, as I haven't read all 19 pages of this thread :blush:


Suggestion: Perhaps add functionality for admin to set a specific number for amount of smilies show in the drop down - with a link to "See All Smilies" or some such that would open in an overlay.
But it could seriously lag the page if you have a LOT of smilies, which is why I made this suggestion. There may have been others suggesting the same though, as I haven't read all 19 pages of this thread :blush:


If they ever do get to the point where upon clicking "more smilies" from the dropdown menu of death and it either opens up in a popup window and/or some kind of overlay I'll scream. Ipb implemented (after i proposed they do ) the smilies under text area but they've gone and spoiled it by A. to access the tab under text area you have to click where the dropdown menu is here now (amongst the bb buttons) which is just not logical imo, and once the area opens up to view more smilies (there's a link under where the smilies are displayed you click and a popup opens (which personally, I felt is inconsistent, an illogical place to view them and then having to navigate the mouse down to the tab under text area).

What I do know when it comes to developing forum smiley management systems, developers always seem to cut corners and I feel it'll be the same here after reading some posts. Frontend smiley navigation is the key here with horizontal scrolling to select to the next category. Not to mention, under the text area there is more space than you realise, forum developers (especially at ipb have just wasted this). Popups/overlays for smiley selection for me is just another way of cutting corners rather than taking a step and being the first to innovate in this area for a revolutionised smiley manger.

That said, whatever comes along I'm betting will be the same old, same old.

*waves to Jacquii* Hope all is well with you. we'll need to catch up sometime. :)

This is in no way meant as a I want this feature now, just more of "this is what I will expect to see". I believe a fully fledged smiley management system needs 100% focus with all areas looked at frontend/backend not tidbits being developed and also old methods abandoned.

Animations always slow page loads. The larger the file, the slower the page load.
Most animated smilies are small enough that you don't notice it much.
What I meant, was if I display my smilies like this with this mod, will it affect my page speeds. Because, when I open the smilies editor the smilies lag a bit. Will it be the same here?
What I meant, was if I display my smilies like this with this mod, will it affect my page speeds. Because, when I open the smilies editor the smilies lag a bit. Will it be the same here?

I suppose it will depend on how many smilies you have, whether they're animated size of them Kb. Obviously, the heavier the graphics the slower things may become just like everything else. you won't know until you try which i suggest you do and then compare which of the solution how smilies are displayed suits you.
Alright! Thanks for the suggestion :)
I think I might just keep them in the drop down because they seem to have a place there. In the future, when I get official smilies for my forum, I'll probably add this add-on :)
I went to preferences then turned off 'Use the rich text editor to create and edit messages'

See if that produces it for you?
Yes, under those conditions when you click the Smilies drawer handle, you'll be pushed back to domain/#

In both XF 1.0.4 and 1.1.0 beta2 as well, so no change there then.
Hi, just installed this with v1.1 B3 and there are not any smilies listed in the draw with the RTE enabled, and like others if I disable the RTE the draw link goes back to the domain
Popups/overlays for smiley selection for me is just another way of cutting corners rather than taking a step and being the first to innovate in this area for a revolutionised smiley manger.
I think maybe XF need to develop this themselves into its own product, as not everyone wants sophisticated smilie management, yet those who do, pay to purchase a viable, innovative product.

I use this on one smaller forum as a test, the other two I use the default 30+ smilies.

If it was a managed XF product, I would buy it for all... as I agree with your sentiments that its ok, but its not fully functional the way it is, nor XF smilie editor by default.

Smilies are a real feature of forum software, one that is typically skipped over and rarely used to its potential.

I won't use it to its potential, into modifications, because I can see way too much going wrong with unsupported mods, or partial mods, when adding lots of smilies.

My users would love lots of smilies, but I'm just not prepared from an admin viewpoint to implement a half arsed smilie system on my main forum.

I agree, this should be taken to the same XF high standard and either released with the software OR as its own product.
Thanks for this I am definately going to be installing it on my website right now.

bare in mind, from what I noticed this will not work if you have the smiley spritesheet selected in 1.1.0 beta 5 and i suspect throughout 1.1 too. If your running prior to that then you might be okay but to be safe and your wanting to use the add-on I advise you use indiviual smilies and not the spritesheet.
bare in mind, from what I noticed this will not work if you have the smiley spritesheet selected in 1.1.0 beta 5 and i suspect throughout 1.1 too. If your running prior to that then you might be okay but to be safe and your wanting to use the add-on I advise you use indiviual smilies and not the spritesheet.
Lol I didn't even know there was an option :)
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