Old topics linked to new resources


Active member
Bringing my forum to the new Xenforo system, I saw that there is an excellent system where we can link a Resource to a previously posted Topic.

As I already had some topics that I wanted to link as "official resource topic" for support, I linked them normally by editing the Resource.

But on the Resource page, I can go to the topic. But on the topic, nothing changes.

When someone enters the forum, enters the thread and reads the topic, there is no direct link or button that takes them to the Resource to download.

I would like it if, when we link a resource to a topic, a button would also appear on the topic that leads to the resource, instead of the person having to manually go to the Resources option and search for the resource there. This option is only available when a topic is created together with the resource, but I think it would be incredible to be possible with topics already created previously.
Oh, yes the support URL serves a different purpose. For this, you should use the 'Change discussion thread' tool in the drop-down menu. It will do what you want.

Adding more information, the image below shows a topic created automatically when submitting a new resource. Note that, although we are viewing the topic, it is linked to the resource, so you can download it directly or even browse through the other tabs.


And the image below is from a topic that was linked to a Resource. As I imported my phpBB forum, topics like this already existed. When I asked authors to create their Downloads in the form of Resources, when linking the topics by URL, apparently there is no complete integration.

This should already be the case. I can't reproduce this locally either, using the 'Change discussion thread' tool to an existing thread causes the resource header and tabs to appear on top of the thread.
So it is. I asked a member of my forum to repost his Resource. I deleted the topic he had created, and then with the new Resource he posted, the automatic topic came.

The automatic topic (which is defined in the settings) is integrated normally.

But the previously created topic, as was his case, did not.

Even if I add a topic via URL as an alternative support topic (this is the only option that appears in the Resource Manager when creating the Resource), it is not integrated as a "discussion topic".

Despite having a button for "Get support", it is not the same as "Join the discussion", so the Resource Manager, even if it has a discussion topic linked to it, does not see that topic as "part of it", no offering those options that are higher up on the screen, like example 1.
Oh, yes the support URL serves a different purpose. For this, you should use the 'Change discussion thread' tool in the drop-down menu. It will do what you want.

Oh! Thanks, Jeremy. I hadn't really seen that option there. I was always editing the Resource and there was only that option.

Thanks for the clarification, now I won't need to recreate topics for this. Thank you very much!
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