Lack of interest Mobile gallery thumb overview, click and open comments or "How do I comment on an image?" user issue

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Well-known member
This is the question I get from users. At first I asked, what do you mean, please tell me the steps.

"I am on my phone, in the gallery. I click an image, it opens, and there is no place to leave a comment."

I tried this myself and it is true. It opens the lightbox with nothing else. How are thy supposed to comment? Can the comment box be already open?
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I tried that and I went to a user profile. But yes if you click the right area. Plus, this is my users having the issue not me. So it exists.
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This is a good point.

On mobile, the lightbox is presented when you click on an image - easy flicking through by swiping.

On mobile, click on the image title in the gallery and the full comment attachment page opens - no flicking through by swiping, but the < > arrows are there.

I think i'd prefer the lightbox to be turned off on the gallery (for mobile only) and show the full attachment page when a gallery image is selected. Users won't be able to flick through images, but the full attachment/comment page is there.

Having said that, the same thing happens when media is attached inside a thread, the lightbox is shown with no comment areas.

I wonder if adding a "comments" button shown somewhere on the lightbox that links to the attachment page would be an option?
Well, there is a link already that goes from the lightbox to the attachment page with comments.

I had no idea that was even there. Maybe someone with CSS skills can make it more obvious and button like?

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Definitely not intuitive. We are so used to clicking an image. And we don't need more notices! That just means something is not right.
We just ran into this same thing. It is not very intuitive for not technical users. Lightbox looks great on desktops and large mobile devices like iPads where you can easily see the comments. Our gallery users heavily rely on comments. On mobile devices like iPhones, not seeing comments confuses users and with no easy button to get to them it’s just not a good solution. I hope XF updates gallery to make it more usable with lightbox on phone type devices. Thanks
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