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Joomla Bridge using JFusion

Glad you like it. The logout problem is an odd one in that as yet, I've been unable to reproduce it, but I'll be building a new test installation this weekend from scratch. Hopefully that or the logs from Saeed will allow me to track down the issue.

You are correct about the single sign on, once you sign in to any of the software you have connected to JFusion, you are also signed in to all the others, so if you integrated XenForo, Joomla and Moodle for example, logging in through Moodle would also log you into Xenforo and Joomla automatically.

Joomla does not need to be the master, you can have any supported piece of software as the master. So you should be fine installing any or all of the supported software (though I wouldn't want to try and maintain an install with all of the software installed).
Do you want access to my development copy that I've set up where I've got the problem about not being able to log out.
  • Ability to synchronise accounts between Joomla and XenForo. (The WP bridges don't sync they get WP using the XF database).
  • Ability to synchronize accounts with the other supported software for JFusion (like the software listed here).
  • Ability to login from either Joomla or Xenforo with the logins synchronised. So if you login to one, you are logged into both.
  • Automatically deals with password synchronisation between the two systems.
with beta5 and J1.5.24 (JF 1.5.6-000 (Rev 2611) ) the logout doesn't work from Joomla. Login-Checker just throws out:

Logout Checker Results

Logout Debug
with beta5 and J1.5.24 (JF 1.5.6-000 (Rev 2611) ) the logout doesn't work from Joomla. Login-Checker just throws out:

Logout Checker Results

Logout Debug
This is to confirm the above. I am using 1.1 beta 5, and Joomla! 1.5.23.
My XF site is http://abc.com and the Joomla! site is http://abc.com/Joomla

The "Debug the logout function" shows:

Logout Debug:

I'm PM-ing you the output of the "Login Checker" page as well.

In case you need a test installation to play around with, do let me know. :)

Edit: Not sure if this helps or not. Upon trying to log out from XenForo, it shows the following error which it did not show with earlier versions:

"The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console."
also hopeful but seeing the jFusion site offline for days isn't so comforting... hopefully they'll be back soon and with a new RC
I just wanted to post an update for anyone thinking of using this plugin. There has been a problem with the logout functionality. However, the problem only occurred between specific versions of Joomla and JFusion (Joomla 1.5.23 and JFusion 1.5.6). There is now a stable version of JFusion 1.6 that works both with Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6. If you are having problems, please upgrade your Joomla install to JFusion 1.6 with the download from here http://www.jfusion.org/.

This plugin along with JFusion 1.6 and XenForo 1.1 work fine with Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6. This should also work with Joomla 1.7, but is untested. Over the next few days, I'll be testing with Joomla 1.7 to confirm that everything is still working and will post an update here once I have everything working.
I just wanted to post an update for anyone thinking of using this plugin. There has been a problem with the logout functionality. However, the problem only occurred between specific versions of Joomla and JFusion (Joomla 1.5.23 and JFusion 1.5.6). There is now a stable version of JFusion 1.6 that works both with Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6. If you are having problems, please upgrade your Joomla install to JFusion 1.6 with the download from here http://www.jfusion.org/.

This plugin along with JFusion 1.6 and XenForo 1.1 work fine with Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6. This should also work with Joomla 1.7, but is untested. Over the next few days, I'll be testing with Joomla 1.7 to confirm that everything is still working and will post an update here once I have everything working.
Do you know if this JFusion plugin works with Magento and xF? Or is it only Joomla at this point in time?
Do you know if this JFusion plugin works with Magento and xF? Or is it only Joomla at this point in time?

JFusion is a Joomla plugin, so it will not work at all without Joomla. However, you could create an installation that uses Joomla, JFusion, Xenforo and Magento to get things basically working. Such a setup will give single signon. ie. if you login via Magento, you will be logged into Joomla and Xenforo also etc. It will also give you the facility to have a single point of registration and the ability to sync user accounts between all pieces of software.

Where things might go wrong is with email address synchronisation. In a JFusion setup, you make one piece of software the master. The role of the master is to keep track of user details such as email address, user groups etc. But you will need to ensure the templates for all pieces of software are modified so that all registration links point to the correct pages of the master software. So if you make XenForo the master, you'll need to make sure that the registration links for Magento and the ones for resetting passwords etc. also point to the Xenforo pages.
Am I the only one that can't figure out how to install jfusion? The documentation is worse than IPS's documentation on IP.Content. I looked here and that tells me next to nothing. So unless I'm missing a better link...one that is hidden somewhere, I'm totally lost as to how to properly install jfusion.
Your right, JFusion is a little complicated to get up and running, but I assure you, once you have it installed, it is MUCH easier than IP.Content and doesn't require you to rebuild everything from scratch after each upgrade. Installation of JFusion itself is just the same as installing any other component into Joomla. So for a typical installation, you would do the following:

  • Install Joomla and make sure it is working properly
  • From with Joomla, use the system info page to ensure that you have all of the appropriate directories made writable.
  • Install Xenforo (I assume you want to integrate Xenforo and Joomla) and make sure it is working.
  • Download the zip file containing JFusion and from inside Joomla, use the Extension Manager to install the JFusion module.
  • Download the Xenforo module from the first post in this topic and the JFusion plugin.
  • Upload the files for the JoomlaBridge to your Xenforo library directory.
  • From Xenforo, install the addon XML file for the JoomlaBridge
  • From inside Joomla, goto Components->JFusion->Plugin Manager and install the xenforo plugin (xenforo.zip from the first post in this topic).
That's the installation complete, you then need to configure it all, which is documented on the first post of this topic.

Does that help at all?
Hi Coop,

Great works so far. I am wondering if you have got any further with the J1.7 testing? I have been able to FTP the contents of the Joomla Bridge "upload" directory to the XF "install" folder, but when I try to install the xml from within XF, I get the following message "please enter a valid callback method"

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks,


Hi Coop,

Great works so far. I am wondering if you have got any further with the J1.7 testing? I have been able to FTP the contents of the Joomla Bridge "upload" directory to the XF "install" folder, but when I try to install the xml from within XF, I get the following message "please enter a valid callback method"

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks,

My bad Coop.. I have it installed now. I will post my finding
I've just completed initial testing with Joomla 1.7 and as far as I can tell, everything works as it should. glad you got things sorted Steve, looks like it's all working for you too.
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