Block spam COMPLETELY with no addons

Block spam COMPLETELY with no addons

Hi followed the guide fine until the section 'blocking field input' where there is an error. I am using xenforo 1.5.7

I put your code before <xen:hook name="account_personal_details_information">
and this leaves the error:
The following error occurred:
The following templates contained errors and were not saved: account_personal_details: 1) Template tags are not well-formed. <xen:if> was not closed.
Hi all, I implemented these suggestions (a huge thank you by the way!), but URLs are still getting through in the subject or post title. I have put this:
in the Phrases section. Am I doing it wrong?


Hi followed the guide fine until the section 'blocking field input' where there is an error. I am using xenforo 1.5.7

I put your code before <xen:hook name="account_personal_details_information">
and this leaves the error:
The following error occurred:
The following templates contained errors and were not saved: account_personal_details: 1) Template tags are not well-formed. <xen:if> was not closed.
I put this before: <xen:hook name="account_personal_details_information">
<xen:if is="{$visitor.message_count} < 1">
        <h3 style="color:white;background:#f72600;border-radius:2px;padding:2px;text-align:center;">You need to make 1 post to fill in location, occupation, home page and about. Why not introduce yourself <a href=""><u>here!</u></a></h3>
        <xen:hook name="account_personal_details_information">
            <dl class="ctrlUnit">
                <dt><label for="ctrl_location">{xen:phrase location}:</label></dt>
                <dd><input type="text" name="location" value="{$visitor.location}" id="ctrl_location" class="textCtrl OptOut" readonly /></dd>

            <dl class="ctrlUnit">
                <dt><label for="ctrl_occupation">{xen:phrase occupation}:</label></dt>
                <dd><input type="text" name="occupation" value="{$visitor.occupation}" id="ctrl_occupation" class="textCtrl OptOut" readonly /></dd>

            <dl class="ctrlUnit">
                <dt><label for="ctrl_homepage">{xen:phrase home_page}:</label></dt>
                <dd><input type="url" name="homepage" value="{$visitor.homepage}" id="ctrl_homepage" class="textCtrl" readonly /></dd>
            <xen:include template="custom_fields_edit" />
        <xen:hook name="account_personal_details_about">
    <dl class="ctrlUnit OptOut">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_about">{xen:phrase about_you}:</label> <dfn>{xen:phrase you_may_use_bb_code}</dfn></dt>
        <dd><h3> === Zero poster cant update this section === </h3></dd>
        <xen:else />

Then put </xen:if> below this code:
<xen:hook name="account_personal_details_about">
    <dl class="ctrlUnit OptOut">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_about">{xen:phrase about_you}:</label> <dfn>{xen:phrase you_may_use_bb_code}</dfn></dt>
        <dd>{xen:raw $aboutEditor}</dd>
It will becomes:
<xen:hook name="account_personal_details_about">
    <dl class="ctrlUnit OptOut">
        <dt><label for="ctrl_about">{xen:phrase about_you}:</label> <dfn>{xen:phrase you_may_use_bb_code}</dfn></dt>
        <dd>{xen:raw $aboutEditor}</dd>
It works.

Xenforo 2.1 i can t find this:

Edit the template quick_reply and find:

<xen:require js="js/xenforo/discussion.js" />
add after:

<xen:if is="{$visitor.message_count} < 3"><h2 style="color:white;background:#f72600;border-radius:2px;padding:2px;text-align:center;">You need 3 posts to add links to your posts! This is used to prevent spam.</h2></xen:if>
This will show a notice to users with less than 3 posts. Here is mine:
Er, I think that if you want to disable the fields if there is less than one message, it must be
<xen:if is="{$visitor.message_count} > 0">
instead of <1

so you display if there is more than 0 posts (i.e. at least 1)
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