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Add-on Authorize.net Gateway

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Purchased. Going to do some testing and move our payment to Authorize.net.
Thanks for this. It can't come at a much better time and I'm sure others have been waiting for this product.
Does this allow collection upfront from a guest during the registration process BEFORE they become a member? I would like to use this on a private paid membership forum.
Does this allow collection upfront from a guest during the registration process BEFORE they become a member? I would like to use this on a private paid membership forum.
How about letting them sign up as normal but upon registration, put them into a Moderated usergroup and modify your welcome/verify email to include the link to Account Upgrade. After they pay, they are moved into paid group.

This way, only paid members can see things. Everyone else is in moderated group and can't do anything.
How about letting them sign up as normal but upon registration, put them into a Moderated usergroup and modify your welcome/verify email to include the link to Account Upgrade. After they pay, they are moved into paid group.

This way, only paid members can see things. Everyone else is in moderated group and can't do anything.

Yes that could be done but creates a lot of additional work and monitoring. Plus there is the chance the customer will get frustrated and you lose the sale. And it's confusing for people when they sign up and creates hurdles in the buying process. The less steps the better. You will also get a lot of orphaned abandoned accounts cluttering up your database. A lot of people want to run a private paid forum. I think this plugin could help do that and add a lot of value. I think he would sell a lot more of them if this were an option, to purchase/upgrade a guest upon registration, as well as enable monthly recurring billing.
The mod is stable and the pricing has been adjusted. :)

@Deepmartini: Your statement has been addressed in your thread; I have nothing else to say on this matter.
How has the response to this mod been? So if there is lots of interest you will add more features? Don't kill the mod if people don't jump at it right away. It may be that they are waiting for the more advanced features to come before they buy. I know of a few people on this board who would buy this mod immediately but are waiting for the ability to charge users upfront at time of registration, and do so on a monthly basis (not just once). How much interest would encourage you to add more to it?
You have done nothing but talk in the past few weeks despite the initiative taken on our part to get this mod launched; I am respectfully asking you to stay out of this thread.

P.S. you aren't a customer.
P.S. you aren't a customer.

No. I was a potential customer and am dismayed that you would be rude and treat a potential customer like this. I simply had a few questions about the mod before purchasing, yet you ignore and belittle me for asking and "bump" your own thread. If this is an example of the type of response and support we can expect, I will take my business elsewhere.
Like I said before, "I would not feel comfortable buying something that may not come to full fruition and be abandoned." That's why I had a few questions about the future direction of this mod and some of the features you talked about being in it before (but weren't there) and if ARB was going to be included along with payment upfront at time of user registration. If someone is going to buy something, they should be permitted to ask questions before they purchase. I don't think this is too much to ask, when you are asking for our money.
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