Additional custom fields


Well-known member
It would be very useful to many people and developers if XF would have more custom fields. Please add more types of custom fields. For example:
  • Star Rating selection
  • Date Picker selection
  • Upload file
  • Address autocomplete with Google MAPS
  • Pros & cons
  • Relational fields
  • Calculated fields
  • Conditional Fields
  • Yes/No Radio buttons
  • Rating scales / likert
Upvote 74
So I'm filling in Custom Fields to add a car

From a dropdown called Make I choose Ford

Ideally, this populates the Model dropdown field with only ford cars so when clicked I have only these options to choose from


This would be awesome
Country, State/Province as well!
Yes, this would be very useful. I have encountered many instances where this was needed or where a developer wanted to implement it but had no core function for it.
Repeater fields would be a huge improvement. Maybe you could add this to the first post, so if the devs pick this up it's included?

I'd also love to see a specific "cover image" field that would crop images to a specific size for layout consistency. Personally, I don't like the current handling of the cover image in article threads. If it's a tall image, it's often centered awkwardly.
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