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Tapatalk - XenForo support (iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7, webOS, Nokia app)

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Hi Tapatalk,

There seems to be a problem when uploading larger images.

Ive been playing around with the photo upload feature.

If i upload the photo in the 40kb size its fine, if I try the full size which in this case was 4 MB I get the following error;

View attachment 13420

I thought it may be my php upload limit even though I know its set to 10mb. So i zipped up an mp3 and it came to just over 7mb in size. It uploaded fine via the website. Also I checked my php settings in cpanel and it is infact set to 10mb so I believe this may be a bug?

Also when images are uploaded, if tapatalk is used for hosting the image they are inserted as images which looks nice, whereas if the option to host it on the 'forum' is chosen then the file is an attachment... doesnt look quite as good, is this going to change in a future update?

On a lighter note, I am really really starting to like tapatalk and appreciate its potential, the GUI is gorgeous, I cant wait for all the bugs to be ironed out, will be a very solid product I believe.

Updated to 1.02, still get this exact same error, except it says tried to allocate 7744 bytes. Everything else is identical, any ideas? The filesize was 4mb and I can easily upload 10mb on my forum via a PC so not a php size issue, cheers.

Edit: The smaller filesize works fine. I just tried another file which was around 5mb, exact same error. When its tapatalk hosted I get another error 'ERROR: Unknown error when moving file to file system. Please try again later.
In windows phone 7, yes. In windows 6.5 or lower NO


Actually, TapaTalk does not work in Windows Phone 7 on XenForo. The developer is having an issue related to cookie domain. I provided him with a possible solution (thanks to Jake Bunce), but haven't heard back from him.
Is the ability to turn off the prompt coming? and an option to turn off the note about being posted by tapatalk?

Thanks :).
option to turn off the note about being posted by tapatalk?
You can globally disable this option by logging into Tapatalk:

The go to Forum Owners:

Click the Edit button.
Scroll down the options page and find:
Tapatalk Signature

If in any case you don't want your members to insert Tapatalk signature such as "Sent from iPhone using Tapatalk", you can disable it here.

• Enable Tapatalk Signature • Disable Tapatalk Signature
Further on my last post...
Should anyone decide to delete their "Sent from my xyz by Tapatalk" to clean your post entries, if you've thousands, you're way better to run an SQL query, stating the obvious here.
I'm so going to leave that for someone else to recommend a way to do that, as it's not a case of a simple string. There are also line breaks in there to consider and/or eradicate.

For me, I had but a few, ergo: manual edit per post.
Hello there is no public thread to discuss bug status yet. Usually users report bug at our support forum, we will track them individually but there is no aggregated view.

Meanwhile this thread is the prime area for all XenForo forum owners to report issues. Since it is in early stage it makes sense to put everything in one thread until the user-base grows. :)

Any chance you can take a look at this thread, blank page seems to be caused by Tapatalk plugin

I installed this add-on to my site today.

When I tried to Verify Installation Status on the Tapatalk site I received an error. I ensured the Tapatalk folders and php files were all 0755. My site is installed in my root directory. My forum path is http://www.TeraPVP.com/forum. I confirmed the link worked on the Tapatalk site. I use friendly URLs so there is no index.php? or other files added to the URL.

I am receiving the error Not Installed: Cannot detect /mobiquo/mobiquo.php. Check this file existence and try again.

I tried to access the path and it works > http://www.terapvp.com/mobiquo/mobiquo.php?
I confirmed the file is 0755. What else should I check?

PS. Feedback concerning the Tapatalk forums.

1. It is inconvenient to require us to register on both the site and the forums. The registration should be integrated to cover both. If you upgrade from vb 3.8 to XF 1.0 that issue would be solved :)

2. During the forum registration process there is a Forum Software drop down box which does not list XF. Since the beta phase is over I would suggest adding XF in the list.

3. Your company requests a forum user account for testing. That's reasonable. When I provided the user name and password, I assumed the information was being confidentially to your company. After submitting the ticket, a copy of the ticket is moved to your forums. That is reasonable, except you publish the user name and password in the open forums for everyone to see. This is a HUGE oversight. At a minimum the password field should be replaced with ******. Example: http://tapa.tk/forum/showthread.php?t=5882
I do hope this software is fantastic because my experience with the install process has been rather unpleasant.


The form clearly asks for the FORUM path. It even says specifically "DO include full path to your forum system should it not (be) the same as your root URL."

Well the reason my install wasn't working is because I provided the forum path. The forum path is not the same as my site's root URL. My site URL (i.e. home page) is www.TeraPVP.com while my forum URL is www.TeraPVP.com/forum. I supplied the forum path because that was clearly requested.

Anyway...once I changed to my root URL the verification then offered a new error msg "Installed but not up-to-date, please install the latest update before publishing your network to Tapatalk"

The first post of this thread offers v1.0.2 where the current version is 1.1.0

I avoided installing this software during the beta process because I was hoping to avoid these issues. :rolleyes:

All issues resolved, site is published.
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