Fixed Media mirroring feature makes disk space limitations useless

Same problem. There are so many images in the mirrored categories, that I would have to lift any kind of restrictions.

The combination of mirroring categories and disk space limitations makes MG since 10 years for the first time an added value for image oriented forums.

Without a working solution, MG is useless as before. I deleted already in the past many MG licences. because the upgrade costs were not worth it for the features you get compared with using XF alone.
If you're mirroring then you need to have more than double the space. I really don't understand what you're saying. Why won't setting premium to unlimited solve the issue.
It hardly is severe, in fact I'd almost say this is working as designed.

Have you ever run an image oriented community?

I would suggest, if you develop for MG new features, you should talk with people who run many different photo communities and know what their users want to have and for what they are willing to pay. See my posting above.

If I can not convince my users to become premium members with MG, I am neither motivated to buy this MG addon. This is why these 2 features together are so important for you and us. It makes money for both of us.

This bug is severe. Trust me on that. It is not confusing, it is conflicting with each other. If you have more than 100 active users who upload many images, MG as it is now does not work IF you use the features you have offered.

If I shall not use these MG features, MG is "worthless" as before because it does not give any significant advantage over XF and uploading/discussing images in the forum only. This is what I am telling since years. People do not discus in both, XF and MG at the same time. That is psychological behavior and we can not fight against it. Therefore if MG shall survive, you need to give a real added value for the forum users.

The combination of mirroring categories and limited disk space was a game changer for MG. Suddenly it was worth something. Suddenly it offeres something, which forum users are interested in, although they want to continue to upload images 95% of the time in the forum.

But seeing now all images of specific subforums in the categories without the threads is a significant added value. Same for the disk space. As an admin, the disk space is necessary to be able to offer premium memberships.

I am sorry, but this certainly isn't a showstopper issue - you will have to wait.

If this is changed it might only be implemented for XFMG 2.3 anyway.

I am sorry but I disagree here. You delivered MG with a feature set which does not work at all together.

The last 10 years MG was never really pushed and I lost my trust in the MG development. As I mentioned earlier, I deleted already in the past at least 5 MG licences, because nothing really happened for MG although I offered always my help for feature ideas with which you can sell more MG licences.

I am running around 40 Xenforo communities, many photo oriented among them. I think I know what the end user wants to see and for what your customers would be willing to pay.

If you do not care to fix a bug which never should have happened if you would have tested your features prior to release it, it shows your (lack of) commitment for MG and only reiterates my lost trust in your products and your commitment.

This is just food for the competition. Sad, very sad....
Same problem. There are so many images in the mirrored categories, that I would have to lift any kind of restrictions.

The combination of mirroring categories and disk space limitations makes MG since 10 years for the first time an added value for image oriented forums.

Without a working solution, MG is useless as before. I deleted already in the past many MG licences. because the upgrade costs were not worth it for the features you get compared with using XF alone.
You have reported the issue as a bug. But bug reports are not meant to be quick fixes . They are things that are logged for fixing in future releases. So you will have to wait for 2.3 at minimum, maybe even 3.0. Assuming they even accept this as a bug or suggestion and queue it. So you'll have to look at a workaround like the ones that are being suggested until then.

As @beerForo said, for urgent, immediate issues, the way to go is to open a ticket.
If you're mirroring then you need to have more than double the space. I really don't understand what you're saying. Why won't setting premium to unlimited solve the issue.
The problem stays the same, no matter for which group.

You can not sell the upgrade to the next level, if they have uploaded already all they need. I do not have only 1 premium group ;)
So you will have to wait for 2.3 at minimum, maybe even 3.0.
If that would be the case, this would be the death for MG. Who would trust in the future any new version of MG? Who would be willing to pay for this quality control and bugfix support and this very slow feature releases?

Learn from the history. Do not make the same mistake twice.
If that would be the case, this would be the death for MG. Who would trust in the future any new version of MG? Who would be willing to pay for this quality control and bugfix support and this very slow feature releases?

Learn from the history. Do not make the same mistake twice.
I run a image site with over 1.1 million images and videos. I sell access to XFMG on my site so I do understand providing my members what they pay for.

I don't see this as a bug. You created the issue by mirroring without having enough resources set.
Take a breath

It's just software and forums, not life or death.

First world problems ...

I know, but I get the complaints of my users and the laughter of the competition for this desaster.

Even worse, I spent the money on that product again although I decided in the past already to use MG never ever again.

You might understand that I am not at all amused at the moment.
Have you ever run an image oriented community?


This bug is severe. Trust me on that. It is not confusing, it is conflicting with each other. If you have more than 100 active users who upload many images, MG as it is now does not work IF you use the features you have offered.
One of our forums gets several 10K new images each month (several million images in total), so yeah ... I think that is somewhat image heavy.

The bug is not severe; the bahaviour has been this way ever since attachment mirroring was introduced about 3 1/2 years ago.
As nobody has reported it as an issue until now it IMHO can't be severe.

I am sorry but I disagree here. You delivered MG with a feature set which does not work at all together.
Erm, I did not deliver anything - I am just a customer like you (well, not even that ... I am just an employee of a customer).

I am running around 40 Xenforo communities, many photo oriented among them. I think I know what the end user wants to see and for what your customers would be willing to pay.
My company operates ~60 XenForo powered communities and we've got exactly 0 issues with XFMG quota.
So your experiences are not necessarily everyones I guess.
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Kirby has so much experience reporting bugs that I now consider only those reported by him to be real BUGS
If you're mirroring then you need to have more than double the space.
This is incorrect. Mirroring only consumes additional disk space for thumbnails (as XFMG thumbnails are always square, normal attachment thumbnails may not so they can't be reused) and database records - it does not duplicate the full images.

Sorry, this was my mistake. I thought you would be Kirby the developer.
I am a developer, but I don't work for or am affiliated with XenForo.

The attached Add-on should do what you want, but no guarantees whatsoever.



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This thread lives up to the saying about those who are quick to criticize and slow to praise.

I think you should be cautious with such insinuations. Either you have a constructive idea to solve this problem or you should not comment a problem by insulting other people.

I don't see this as a bug. You created the issue by mirroring without having enough resources set.

Please read again the thread. There is no server space issue at all. Server space is not the the problem at all.

and we've got exactly 0 issues with XFMG quota.
So your experiences are not necessarily everyones I guess.

Of course it always depends what kind of settings you have on your board. If you do not use the ACP as I posted above, you will never have an issue with it.

That is the whole purpose of this thread. To show that if you use specific settings in MG, it does not work anymore. If one setting within MG combined with another setting within MG causes MG to stop working, it is called a bug. I do not know what different kind of definition for a bug others have.

The attached Add-on should do what you want, but no guarantees whatsoever.

That is very kind of you. Can I use this hack on a life site? Did you test it? I am not a coder, so I can not verify the code. What does this hack do exactly?

If this would resolve the bug, I would donate to you money.

But I am surprised that no official XF programmer has looked in this tread yet. Even not after 1 week.
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