XF 1.2 Even More New Stuff

Even a Sunday doesn't stop the new features coming in 1.2. However, this is likely to be the last HYS for XF 1.2, so take that as you wish. :)

User preference to disable Flash uploader
Some users have run into problems where Flash is enabled but Flash-based uploads would fail. Individual users can now turn off the Flash uploader even if the admin has enabled it.

Robot identification in online visitors
The online visitors lists now distinguishes guests from robots based on user agent and counts them separately.

When viewing the list of online users, robots will be displayed differently, showing you a bit of information about the robot. The online users list can now be filtered to just members, guests, or robots.

Command-line upgrader
For larger forums, particularly ones concerned with time outs from modifications to large tables, 1.2 adds a simple command-line-based upgrade system (library/XenForo/Install/run-upgrade.php).

Note that this doesn't handle replacing files. It simply substitutes running the <url>/install/ portion.

Attachment thumbnail rebuild
Attachment thumbnails can now be rebuild via Tools > Rebuild Caches. This is generally only needed if you change the attachment thumb size.

Per forum option to require a prefix
Individual forums can now require a prefix to be selected before a thread can be created. Note that this (intentionally) only applies to threads being created there. Moderators moving threads or taking similar actions are exempt.

Page nodes are searchable
If you have page nodes with content in them, they will now be indexed and displayed in search results. (Note that if you are upgrading, you will need to rebuild the page search index for them to become searchable.)

Sub-forum popup menu can be disabled
You can now use a style property to disable the sub-forum popup menu and simply display the forums in a small list below the forum.


Quote height limited
There is now default CSS to prevent quotes from dominating messages by setting a max-height. Embedded media and images with the quotes will be further shrunk as well. Quoted images can still be clicked to be viewed full size.

Support for tabs on new content pages
For add-on developers, there is now a new system to add tabs to the top of new content pages (such as "new threads"). This will make it easier for users to find updates to non-thread/post content.
Sub-forum popup menu can be disabled
You can now use a style property to disable the sub-forum popup menu and simply display the forums in a small list below the forum.

Will this also display the same on the Category page as well as the forum list?
If it does not we get an elegant compact view on forum list then a very long scroll down the vertical full size subforums list on the Category page.
As well as being ugly and demanding on scrolling, I think having two very different presentations of the same material is confusing. It is not absolutely and clearly recognisable that user is looking at the same thing.

Quote height limited
There is now default CSS to prevent quotes from dominating messages by setting a max-height. Embedded media and images with the quotes will be further shrunk as well. Quoted images can still be clicked to be viewed full size.

Very welcome quote height restriction as lengthy LAZY quotes not pruned are a real pain.
I am convinced that Mike will do "one more thing" a la Steve Jobs tomorrow. Announce that damned Navigation Manager now. Will ya?
Thanks for including the Rebuild Attachments. I have a few sites that this will need to be done for due to conversions from other software :)
Taking bets! 1.2 will be out next week sometime! We had a HYS EVERY DAY for the past week, there's only one logical explanation for it! :P
Taking bets! 1.2 will be out next week sometime! We had a HYS EVERY DAY for the past week, there's only one logical explanation for it! :p

That doesn't quite match the roadmap set out by Mike...

So, when are we going to see this all? Well, we're hoping to have 1.2 running here on XenForo.com in early June. The initial beta release will follow, based on how well the time on 1.2 goes. The final release of 1.2 would be wholly dependent on how the beta process goes.
That doesn't quite match the roadmap set out by Mike...


It is early june, sir. :P and "out" can mean it running on Xenforo.com, by "out" I'm speaking of actually SEEING 1.2 in person, not necessarily running it. ;) Betas don't take very long with the XF team so we can very well see the RELEASE of 1.2 by the end of the month, easily. ;)
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