XF 1.2 Even More New Stuff

Even a Sunday doesn't stop the new features coming in 1.2. However, this is likely to be the last HYS for XF 1.2, so take that as you wish. :)

User preference to disable Flash uploader
Some users have run into problems where Flash is enabled but Flash-based uploads would fail. Individual users can now turn off the Flash uploader even if the admin has enabled it.

Robot identification in online visitors
The online visitors lists now distinguishes guests from robots based on user agent and counts them separately.

When viewing the list of online users, robots will be displayed differently, showing you a bit of information about the robot. The online users list can now be filtered to just members, guests, or robots.

Command-line upgrader
For larger forums, particularly ones concerned with time outs from modifications to large tables, 1.2 adds a simple command-line-based upgrade system (library/XenForo/Install/run-upgrade.php).

Note that this doesn't handle replacing files. It simply substitutes running the <url>/install/ portion.

Attachment thumbnail rebuild
Attachment thumbnails can now be rebuild via Tools > Rebuild Caches. This is generally only needed if you change the attachment thumb size.

Per forum option to require a prefix
Individual forums can now require a prefix to be selected before a thread can be created. Note that this (intentionally) only applies to threads being created there. Moderators moving threads or taking similar actions are exempt.

Page nodes are searchable
If you have page nodes with content in them, they will now be indexed and displayed in search results. (Note that if you are upgrading, you will need to rebuild the page search index for them to become searchable.)

Sub-forum popup menu can be disabled
You can now use a style property to disable the sub-forum popup menu and simply display the forums in a small list below the forum.


Quote height limited
There is now default CSS to prevent quotes from dominating messages by setting a max-height. Embedded media and images with the quotes will be further shrunk as well. Quoted images can still be clicked to be viewed full size.

Support for tabs on new content pages
For add-on developers, there is now a new system to add tabs to the top of new content pages (such as "new threads"). This will make it easier for users to find updates to non-thread/post content.
The only thing not in any of these announcements is adding
  • Twitter Registration
  • Google Registration
We already have Facebook, it just makes sense to add the other 2 major players.

I don't think KAM would leave them out. So I'm optimistic that there is other goodies they've not talked about in their announcements.
I havent seen anything about managing What's New?

My hopes of Conversation search can at a pinch wait as
a) I use Syndol's great addon on my sites, and
b) because Conversations are so poorly served here on XF I mostly manage to avoid using them. I move any private communication into email or on to the other person's site or mine where the quality of Conversation features are better.

BUT a better What's New? on HERE is painful in its need. I couldn't count how much time I waste plodding through What's New? repeatedly scanning over and over the same threads which don't relate to me and are highly unlikely to ever relate to me. There are some even that I hover multiple times to check what they are because I forget I already checked them out. Dead annoying.
In fact I am cutting down on how often I visit here because it's so not fun any more on this issue. (Yes I know some will welcome that!) Checking What's New? often feels like a duty I dread doing but gotta do it to be a good little admin.

If we could tick down the page to Hide new threads on What's New? which don't relate to us, then checking What's New? would suddenly be QUICK - EFFICIENT - PERSONALISED and FUN!

It would come alive! and be pure pleasure. It would be about ME as much as about XF - a power partnership :)
(Yes there's an addon to do it but my sites aren't busy enough to need it.) We need it HERE!

Will need a toggle to Hide/ Unhide.
Once you Unhide (return to uncontrolled What's New) the next toggle to Hide should remember my previous setting plus any new added.
Do you have to be so dramatic? It's not painful in its need, except for you :)
Quite a lot of others think so too.
Yes it's getting a bit dramatic because this request has been around a long time now and the window of opportunity is now closing - we're very close to 1.2 beta, maybe even this week.
Quite a lot of others think so too.
Yes it's getting a bit dramatic because this request has been around a long time now and the window of opportunity is now closing - we're very close to 1.2 beta, maybe even this week.
Given that we know this was the last preview thread, assume "what's new" isn't changing in 1.2.
You're getting a better What's New. It's a What's New that developers can add tabs to to show additional content types.

Why should whats new be anything other than new threads? Your concept is completely flawed and makes no sense whatsoever.

But let's not debate that. Unfortunately it seems as you may be disappointed. Don't let that ruin for you what is otherwise a fantastic update.
Given that we know this was the last preview thread, assume "what's new" isn't changing in 1.2.
Never say die till you're dead.
I wouldnt be at all surprised if there are more things in 1.2 not announced on HYS. In fact I think that has been hinted. So I'm hoping this is one of them.
Because it's "What's new" and not "new threads":p *scnr*
It sounds "global" and not only "thread exclusive"
Effectively it has become global. As a developer we can now add a new tab, extend the find-new controller and have that all accessible from there.
Why should whats new be anything other than new threads? Your concept is completely flawed and makes no sense whatsoever.
Chris you are typically so sweeping black and white! Of course it makes sense. Why else is there an addon that does it which people like especially on bigger boards?

This doesn't change Whats New? being about new threads. It still shows all new threads - initially.
It just allows the user to have new threads cut out that dont interest them.

As soon as a new thread has been checked - by hovering or opening to read more = if it's rejected as of no interest - beyond the maybe level - that thread becomes pure annoying clutter for that user.

Because What's New currently serves up the same new threads blindly again and again, that same clutter gets served up to the user over and over again.
On a busy board like this one some clutter threads get served up hundreds of times. Most clutter threads get served up at least 5 - 20 times. They can even be resurrected after months or years. Ugh. Ugh.

Examples are -
You don't like chitchat, you come here only for strict XF biz and for you time is money. Offtopic threads are clutter to you.
You aren't a developer so all discussion from the dev. forum here is clutter to you.
You have your style, or you are happy using basic XF with just a few colour tweaks in SPs. All the wonderful style threads posted in are clutter to you.

I OFTEN check Whats New and there is only one, two or three threads of interest to me. All the rest is clutter - to me.
Yet I have to plod through 2-3 pages of new threads, to find those 2-3 of interest - and ALL that other stuff Ive seen before. I cant possibly remember all those titles so I'm constantly hovering and reading snippets only to find wearily Ive checked this one before - sometimes several times over a period of months/ years!

If you or anyone can tell me the positive value of churning out the same stale clutter over and over and over again, getting in the way, clogging up What's New, when the addon that culls it shows it's a quick and easy job to clean it up - tell me.

Unfortunately it seems as you may be disappointed. Don't let that ruin for you what is otherwise a fantastic update.
Indeed. It wont disappoint me for my boards but it will leave XF here still limping with a badly cluttered What's New?
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