Crowd fund MercDesign Media Gallery

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It will be released when it is done after starting full time on it very soon. I have had to leave for the last week which is yet another delay. Progress will start to speed up a lot soon.

Private betas should happen this month and public beta towards the end of the year I expect unless I release early ones.


Can I still get in on the private beta if I donate?

Is there any date for the initial release ?
People who already own the gallery will get a mail for this ?

There will be a chance for people to pre-order for $50 to get into private testing like the $50 funding people did. But not until after that is setup and a few private builds are out. Today I am releasing an update the the donation manager (a test build) then finishing up a client job which and after that I will be back to full tiem work on the gallery. Then once I have a build that is good enough for people to see I will setup the private areas and a build system to give people nightly or weekly builds.
Then after the build stuff is done I should be able to progress very fast with all the tools I have created for this.
There will be a chance for people to pre-order for $50 to get into private testing like the $50 funding people did. But not until after that is setup and a few private builds are out. Today I am releasing an update the the donation manager (a test build) then finishing up a client job which and after that I will be back to full tiem work on the gallery. Then once I have a build that is good enough for people to see I will setup the private areas and a build system to give people nightly or weekly builds.
Then after the build stuff is done I should be able to progress very fast with all the tools I have created for this.
Do you have a rough estimate on when the first build will be available? 1 month? 2 months? 3?
Hmm.. I want to have it done within one month from now. Hell I want the first one out 1 week after I start working on it again. All comes down to the build tools etc that I have to make to keep things efficient.
Okay an update.

Development is to start again! I have sorted out my build stuff enough, my dev tools enough for now and just need to sort out all of you guys and put the gallery into these tools. So actual development might not start until tomorrow however builds will be downloadable from the get go, they just won't work.

I was thinking of just having everyone on trello however that might be hard to manage. Forums could also become hard to manage. Any ideas? There are a lot of services for this sort of thing out there :)
Haha everything looks the same. Still the prototype for the fund.

Can't find any service to handle feedback/ideas that is free to have things private.
But that isn't simple... that is a mess to manage. And time consuming. I will probably be using Checking it out now and it is cheap enough just for this.
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