Fixed [XF2.1] Some (brand?) type icons showing as blank squares with FA5

The issue appears to be because .itemList-itemTypeIcon is loading the Font Awesome 5 Pro font-family, whereas for (most?) embedded media items (.itemList-itemTypeIcon--embed), the Font Awesome 5 Brands font is the one that is needed.

Provided that no embedded media types use regular FA5 icons, something as follows ought to fix this:
.itemList-itemTypeIcon.itemList-itemTypeIcon--embed {
    font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Brands';
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This also applies to the 'noThumb' thumbnail for embeds, as can be seen below (the missing icon is YouTube):

A similar css rule to my post above fixes this issue as well (again, provided that all .xfmgThumbnail--embed icons are brand icons)
.xfmgThumbnail--embed.xfmgThumbnail.xfmgThumbnail--noThumb .xfmgThumbnail-icon {
    font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Brands';
Thank you for reporting this issue. The issue is now resolved and we are aiming to include that in a future XFMG release (2.1.0 Preview 3).

Change log:
Use brand icons in XFMG as appropriate.
Any changes made as a result of this issue being resolved may not be rolled out here until later.
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