XF software: Image Auto Resizing and Compression


Active member
I am currently using PHPBB 3.2.0 and I am the admin for my forum. Within the next month, we want to purchase the XF. Currently all of our members have to manually resize and manually compress their images so that images will be compatible with the upload requirements.
Some forum software will automatically make these adjustments so the user does not have to worry about this. they just upload their image(s) and the forum Automatically makes all the resizing and compression for them.
Does XF do this and if it does, is there a plug in that has to be purchased ?

Uploaded files are resized based on the maximum physical dimensions (pixels) set in the ACP -> Options -> Attachments: Maximum Attachment Image Dimensions.

If the resized image is below the maximum file size (KB) limit, then it will be allowed.

In most cases, as long as the option values are set in the ACP to something reasonable, most uploads should be fine.
I am just responding so that I make sure that I understand completely. No worries here....

So, the image(s) "are" automatically resized and compressed by XF based on the criteria that is set in the ACP.

So, the user only has to upload their image (lets say 4800 x 3500) and they do not have to do anything on their end and XF will re-manage the image(s) ? I just want to make sure that I understand fully.
I would like to have a staff member or software dev address this please as this is very important: I am the Admin and Owner of a forum and I have a moderator on my forum that just informed me just a while ago that he thought XF has an "Image Optimizer plugin". Is this correct?
Why do you need a staff member or software dev to address this? Yes there are a couple of addons that optimize images. One is by nobita that requires a VPS or dedicated server because you have to install binaries used to optimize and compress images. https://xenforo.com/community/resources/nobita-image-optimizer.5317/

The other is by ThemeHouse and it uses Kraken.io which is a paid service to use their API to send the files to them to reduce then send back.

I get you are the Admin and Owner of a forum but other members here can answer your questions just as easily and probably just as quickly as a staff member here and give you just as correct an answer as them. The plugin by ThemeHouse plugin is for xF 2.x series while the one by nobita is for the xF 1.x.x series so it's really gonna depend on what version of xF you want to start on and if you want to outsource your optimization. As the only option for 2.0 currently is that option and the only option for 1.x.x currently basically requires a VPS or dedicated server.
...other members here can answer your questions just as easily and probably just as quickly as a staff...

Thank you Ernest for your response. I have only made a few post here and I did not know nor understand - your information is greatly appreciated, and your willingness to help !! (Opps -- sorry)

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One thing you will find... frequently you will get valid answers from the users here as quickly as you do from staff. That is one of the things that is nice about XenForo is there are a great bunch of folks (for the majority, there are the ever present exceptions as with anything) that participate here and help others.
Hi Tracy,
I am finding that yes, you are correct..... I really do appreciate the feedback. I am coming from a PHPBB environment which can be frustrating at times..
That is why I look forward to getting the XF package and getting started with it. I hope that you all will take me in as part of your group. I wish that I could go back and delete that post #5 as it is obvious that I was very discouraged with "PHPBB". So, I hope you all will accept my apologies and my lack of decorum.
No reason to apologize for that post...as there is nothing really offensive in it. Most support sites don't have near the level of user interaction in helping each other that XF has (I know IPS doesn't).
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