Add-on Xenforo oAuth2 implementation


Hey all,

I've been looking for the following feature in XenForo 2+. To use the XenForo 2 user accounts for other services with oAuth2. I've been looking for such a feature for quite a while now, and I just found this link to an add-on that should add this feature. However I am unsure if this will work with XenForo 2.

Does anyone know more about this add-on, or any other way how to implement this?

Kind regards,
That addon is XF 1 only.

I am currently working on an ‘API Improvements’ addon that will add OAuth2 authentication to XenForo, however I have no idea when or if it’ll be complete. It’s mostly being done as a learning exercise at the moment.

It would definitely need an addon.

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