Windows smartphones to overtake Apple’s iPhones by 2016: IDC report

There's no accountability among industry analysts. They can be wrong 100% of the time, and they remain in business screwing customers with more wrong advice.
I made a tool that can plot your Google Analytics data as percent area charts (lets you see trends over time like operating systems used by visitors).

Cut out all the operating systems except mobile ones, and this is what it looks like for my site:

There is a weird shift in June, 2012 because Google Analaytics started consolidating iPad, iPhone and iPod properly into a single iOS (after all it's tracking operating system, not device, so the change was to fix their previous "bug").

Anyway... long story short is for my site, iOS takes 57% of mobile, Android is 38.9% and Windows Phone is 1.2% (about half as much as BlackBerry)... so much for Windows Phone world domination/growth. :)
And since Microsoft is utterly clueless about the mobile space, don't expect that to change very much.
A very short time ago they had virtually 100% of the mobile market in North America. They crushed Palm like a bug. Then they did almost nothing for 4 years ... wouldn't update WiMo 6.5 and then the iPhone blew all previous products to shreds. Boom.
They can be wrong 100% of the time, and they remain in business screwing customers with more wrong advice.
The people who are 100% wrong - make the most money. It quite obvious they get paid to write trash. It's probably not directly. Maybe they'll get consulting jobs at Microsoft when they retire or something.
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