XF 2.2 v2.2.15 update - page size jumped to 4MB from 3MB, plus crashes on some mobile devices


Active member
Has anyone experienced changes in reliability moving to 2.2.15?

On iOS pages crash and reload - I'll try and get the exact message. Not sure on Android.

Page size has jumped from 3.5MB to over 4.3MB as well:

I have been on 2.2.15 since shortly after it dropped and haven't heard of any issue on iOS from my Apple users. I use Chrome on both Android and Windows with no obvious issues.
How would you do it ? Drop one at a time and then see if the problems go away ?
Actually the approach I would take would be drop everything. If the problem goes away, then add them back one at a time and test after each.

How do you know they crash ?
What’s the message ? Server errors ?
Given it's a client side issue, probably his own device or reports from users. There's stuff that would happen client side that the server would know nothing about.
How would you do it ? Drop one at a time and then see if the problems go away ?
Most likely disable all addons. If the issue disappears it's an addon, not a core Xf issue.

If the issue does not disappear, it's an addon.

Then maybe do a binary search - re-enable half of the addons. Perhaps starting with anything I suspect is an issue - any addons I have had trouble with in the past.

As it's an intermittent issue I would probably binary search for it.

If the issue reappears, it's in that set of addons. Disable them one by one (or again disable half if you think that's a quicker way).

If not, the issue is in the other set of addons. Re-enable them one by one (or half, again depending on the circumstances).

Continue with either the individual or binary search until the problem is found.
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