Using Reactions data in a thread for discovery (sorting, etc.)


Well-known member
Let's use the data of reactions for discovery. Perhaps a sort? But within a thread, for finding funniest post, most helpful answer, etc.

XF has no Q&A, or Best Answer functionality. But we can customize the reactions to ones that suit our communities, like Helpful. Let's take Helpful as the example here. In a long thread of "answers" wouldn't it be nice to be able to find the post with the most Helpful reactions?

Or in a comedic thread, the most laughs?

Likes, Loves, etc.

So this could be some kind of sort (of a designated reaction, or all), or a highlighted post, or showing (copying) it under post #1, etc. Lots of options. This is usable data.

A bit of a brainstorm but the basic architecture is in place with Reactions. Thanks for reading.
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Upvote 13
I appreciate that but this is more of a broad suggestion in using the all-powerful data of Reactions in a thread. Right now all of the power is given to the post, but there's potential in using it to find most liked, funniest, most helpful etc., as well as marking accordingly. A simple example would be, sort a thread by reaction, and highest at top.
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Thinking more, in the thread itself. But sure. The data is there in the Reactions, now, let's use it. So, I am in the "Funniest GIF" thread. I want to find the post with the most LOL reactions. Now I am in the "How do I fix this iPhone issue" thread. I want to find the post with the most Helpful reactions (custom). Etc. Sorting seems like a no-brainer. A more involved admin option could be choosing a reaction to highlight, per forum. So humor or help could work independently. These are just broad ideas. But this is data we can use for discovery.
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Ah, you're talking within a thread, not necessarily posts in general. Yeah, that'd take a bit more work to get a useful interface out of it.
Trust me, Facebook is using this data. They know if you "Love" pizza and beer. :LOL:
By now Facebook likely knows more about its users than the user's husbands/wives do.
Here's a possible way:

Admin option to enable a horizontal filter bar at the top of a node. This bar shows each reaction with a count beside it. Click the reaction and the thread only displays those posts, in descending order.

An advanced admin setting could be select only the reactions you wish to display in the bar.

This could of course be disabled per node. But it could be a great addition to select nodes. Thanks
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Is there anything out there that does this?

I'd like to be able to sort posts by the most Liked, the funniest, the saddest, the wow-est etc. This is a great way for users to discover content and increase engagement.
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