[TH] User Criteria Extended

[TH] User Criteria Extended 1.0.6

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Yeah, I believe that's correct as well. I updated the code and re-enabled the promotion and we'll see what happens with it.

we are currently testing the new Version. We are not sure if it is an error or we make a mistake. We want User that posted nothing in the past 60 day to become member of the group "inactive". That works fine ... but if they post they are not degraded ... means they don`t lose membership of the group "inactive". Not sure if i explained that understandable ...
Is that an expected behavior? Would we need another promotion rule to revert the Membership of the Group "inactive"?
The only Rule we defined is this one:
User group promotions only apply to people who have been active in the last two hours every time they are run. So if your users aren't, promotions aren't applied.
Is that the Cron Job? It seems to be triggered every hour. Is there a way to trigger it more often like adding a second Cron?

Yeah, the cron job triggers once per hour. You could modify the run time in debug mode, but the essence of the problem is that it only processes all users that have been active within the last two hours every time it runs. E.g. if a user hasn't been online for a day, the cron will never process it to begin with, so no user promotion will ever be run for that particular user.
Hi @Lukas W.

User has not posted for 1 Year -- > Comes Online --> Is promoted to inactive within 1 Hour ( cron ) --> Writes a post --> Promotion to inactice is undone within 1 Hour (cron)
And promotions will only apply to Users that have been active the last two hours
Did I get it right? ( Sorry for my dump questions ... but you gave us a great tool to motivate our users )

Hello, I want it to earn points when you enter a value in the profile. But it doesn't work. The score does not reach the user. How can I solve this problem?

Ekran Resmi 2020-04-27 17.02.51.webpEkran Resmi 2020-04-27 17.03.15.webp
You selected that the user has to enter a value of "empty" to match the criterion. In other words, your criterion reads as "user has provided a value & user has provided an empty value (= user has provided no value)" which will always evaluate to false.
You selected that the user has to enter a value of "empty" to match the criterion. In other words, your criterion reads as "user has provided a value & user has provided an empty value (= user has provided no value)" which will always evaluate to false.
When I enter any value, I want to send points. What should I write for this?
User has at least X threads in one of the selected forums:

When I select the above criteria, I get the following error. How do you think I can solve the problem?

For some reason this seems to have stopped working for me.
I have an "Active" usergroup with a banner to be displayed. My criteria are:

This criterion is always met
User has posted at least X posts in the last X days: 10 posts in 30 days

It was working when I installed this plugin, but now it's stopped.
Is this addon resource intensive? When I installed via upload in addons, it took much longer than usual to import and apply. Thanks.
Is there an easy way to test criteria without setting up user-promotion or a fiddling around with a notice?

Ideally, I'd like to just search for users with the criteria features provided by the addon, and it spits back a list of users that matched. What is the easy way to do this? Thank you.
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