[TH] Undelete Users [Deleted]

Sorry ... had to delete the Waindigo version. Still cannot see the app though. It's not listed under Appearance, Tools or Application either. I have logged out and logged back in and still cannot see it. What am I missing?


Sorry ... had to delete the Waindigo version. Still cannot see the app though. It's not listed under Appearance, Tools or Application either. I have logged out and logged back in and still cannot see it. What am I missing?

View attachment 141256

View attachment 141257

I've just installed it and have confirmed that it's displaying for me, are you logged into a Super Administrator account? If not, could you verify that your account has the necessary permissions? If everything looks alright there, would you mind creating a ticket at https://www.audentio.com with your admin details so we can take a look? Or you can just send me a PM here if you don't have an account there :)
I am logged in as Administrator. I will log in as SA and see if it changes.

That's likely the issue, there are additional permissions created by this add-on, and XenForo doesn't allow permissions by default when you've installed a new add-on. You'll just need to login to your Super Administrator account and go to Users -> Administrators and enable the permission on your admin account :)
Quickie, @Jake B. - If I restore a user and it shows them as having X number of posts in their postbit, yet on their profile a search yields zero results, has my member of staff gone and deleted all that user's posts while deleting the user, or does it take a cron job to reattach everything?
glad to see this add-on, but also hoping I can do a mass undelete, not just one at a time. Is that possible?
I want to buy this plugin but on the purchase page I am only offered to buy XF1 Essentials for 99.95$
How to buy only this plugin?, everything else I do not need.
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