[TH] Donate

[TH] Donate 1.1.8 Patch Level 1

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Just to clarify this is correct.. I made a business account today and someone made a small donation for testing purposes and I got charged a paypal fee as a receiver. Is this correct?
PayPal charges for all business transactions, so yes. Either way, it's not in our hands to control what transaction PayPal puts charges on.
Great add-on, thank you.

Just to clarify this is correct.. I made a business account today and someone made a small donation for testing purposes and I got charged a paypal fee as a receiver. Is this correct?
Not sure on this, I'd suggest checking with PayPal.
ThemeHouse updated [TH] Donate with a new update entry:

Version 1.0.3 Patch Level 3 Released

Bugs Fixed:
  • The ACP donation list is now correctly sorted by donation date, descending.
  • Entering an invalid username for manual donations no longer triggers a code error when submitting.
  • Donations can now be made anonymous through the ACP.
  • Campaign listings no longer show the progress as always 100%.
  • The donation date is now listed on the ACP donation list entry.

Read the rest of this update entry...
We've encountered some issues with the conversion process between 1.5->2 on our test site, with the schema updater dropping vital data (recurring and paid columns) and lack of recurring payments.

The paid column marks which donations are successful, as that column is removed after installation, all of our top donations are 'fake'/unsuccessful. Perhaps either keep the paid column or delete where paid=0 before the schema changes?

The recurring column would also be helpful if it were kept to show which donations are recurring, however; it appears that this version currently lacks support for recurring payments anyway? The addon description says recurring donations are supported though, so perhaps I've missed an option somewhere?

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hi @ThemeHouse, is there a way to hide non-anonymous donations on user profiles and in the "top donors" category in the members tab? it's a pretty big privacy issue on our forum and since we can't force all donations to be anonymous - it would be nice to at least give each user an option to turn that off in their privacy settings. i understand people can already choose to make anonymous donations, but what if someone changes their mind after donating? there's really no way to hide it afterwards, not even in the admin panel (that i could find, at least)

thanks in advance for the reply :)
hi @ThemeHouse, is there a way to hide non-anonymous donations on user profiles and in the "top donors" category in the members tab? it's a pretty big privacy issue on our forum and since we can't force all donations to be anonymous - it would be nice to at least give each user an option to turn that off in their privacy settings. i understand people can already choose to make anonymous donations, but what if someone changes their mind after donating? there's really no way to hide it afterwards, not even in the admin panel (that i could find, at least)

thanks in advance for the reply :)
To hide the profile tab that shows a listing of all the donations made by that user, navigate to Setup > [TH] Donate > Untick the checkbox next to Profile Tab. As far as removing the Top Donors category on the member's tab or members page, navigate to Users > Member Statistics > Disable it from there or delete it by clicking the trash can icon.

This seems like a rather good suggestion I'll go ahead and note it down so that it is added to our GitHub Issue Tracker as a feature suggestion! :)
To hide the profile tab that shows a listing of all the donations made by that user, navigate to Setup > [TH] Donate > Untick the checkbox next to Profile Tab. As far as removing the Top Donors category on the member's tab or members page, navigate to Users > Member Statistics > Disable it from there or delete it by clicking the trash can icon.

This seems like a rather good suggestion I'll go ahead and note it down so that it is added to our GitHub Issue Tracker as a feature suggestion! :)

thank you, i did manage to hide the statistics widget :) and i already unticked the "profile tab" checkbox before i posted ... but unfortunately it's still showing here:


and on the profile page of each user who donated as well
thank you, i did manage to hide the statistics widget :) and i already unticked the "profile tab" checkbox before i posted ... but unfortunately it's still showing here:

View attachment 183879

and on the profile page of each user who donated as well
That is normal, I'll add an issue so that you are able to remove that. That option only removes the Donation based tab on the profile, not how many times a user has donated shown in that picture above.
That is normal, I'll add an issue so that you are able to remove that. That option only removes the Donation based tab on the profile, not how many times a user has donated shown in that picture above.

is that the amount of times someone donated? because i have one user who donated $5 and it's showing "5" on their profile, not 1

but yes, it would be nice if people were able to hide that in their privacy settings ... or even if the admin could just disable that, either way would be fine with me :)
is that the amount of times someone donated? because i have one user who donated $5 and it's showing "5" on their profile, not 1

but yes, it would be nice if people were able to hide that in their privacy settings ... or even if the admin could just disable that, either way would be fine with me :)
I believe it's based off the dollar amount that they've donated instead but yes I've added an issue in our issue tracker about this: https://github.com/Audentio/xf2addon-issues/issues/765
Is it possible to shorten the list with people who donated from 20 to maybe 10 or 5? Or is that static and can't be changed?
Where do I find this file?

We keep it i by default, but its free and easy to remove. To remove it, simply go to /src/config.php and add the line$config['removeThemeHouseBranding'] = true;
You find the config.php file inside the src folder, which is in the same location as the rest of the XF2 files.
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