[TFP] Global Stickies [Deleted]


Well-known member
SpecialK submitted a new resource:

[TFP] Global Stickies - Show sticky threads from certain forums globally in all other forums.

This is a very simple add-on that allows you to one or more forums as having "Global Stickies". Stickies in these forums will appear in ALL forums, unless those forums are blacklisted in the Global Stickies options.

  1. Upload the contents of the zip file to your server
  2. Install the add-on from the XenForo control panel
  3. Define your stickies forums and blaclisted forums in the XenForo options.

Read more about this resource...
Is it possible to make the global stickies respect the last post date of other non-global stickies outside of the master node?

That sounds a bit wordy, so an image hopefully explains it better! This is what I have in one node, only the top sticky is global.

Threads stickied by your addon no longer respect the permission system. If a thread is in a forum without the view permission and you make it stickied, you can see it even if you dont have permission to do so.
Thankfully, my only global stickies subforum is publicly visible, but I agree that the permissions issue is notable should that not be the case for others.
Seems like our forum will sadly have to deprecate use of this add-on as we really can’t use anything that is absent developer support, no matter how small/simple.

We’ve only really used this add-on to sticky a rules thread across the entire forum; I’m wondering if there is a better way to surface the rules everywhere that is supported by XF natively. It seems like XF itself feels that notices are the right solution, but I strongly disagree with that as they appear everywhere (not just on thread lists) and push all page content down (which is particularly disruptive on mobile). Curious if the community has any better ideas.
Pretty sure they support conditionals, do they not? :unsure:

Something like:

<xf:if is="$template =='forum_view'">
   Please read our rules before posting...


I really don't like notices for this regardless, but that would work as a short term solution I suppose; thanks for the suggestion.

EDIT: The conditionals as content for the notice doesn't do anything, but you can use Page criteria to restrict in the same way. Neat.
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