XF 2.3 Template conditional question


Well-known member
I created an addon that displays pages using a custom template. Everything is fine except pagespeed insights says that some clickable elements are too close. It looks like those are links contact us, help etc. at the bottom. I want to remove them on my add-on pages.

Is there a condition I could use for that? Something like
<xf:if is="custom_template_name = my_template_name">
Maybe you can add a template modification to the extra.less template for your add-on:
[data-template="my_template_name"] {
    .p-footer-row-opposite {
        display: none;
Maybe you can add a template modification to the extra.less template for your add-on:
[data-template="my_template_name"] {
    .p-footer-row-opposite {
        display: none;
This one works, so I didn't even try the second one. Thanks!
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