Hello, I hope someone can help me, I'm trying to create a kind of cron job. My goal is when a user clicks on a file, for example. test.php some information should written to the db, like
I enter three values manually but how can I ensure that his user id is also entered? How is it possiblöe to import the board to get the ip and add it to the db import.
sorry for my bad english
$statement = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO test (Name, id, nummer, nummer2) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");
$statement->execute(array('$XF:User', '$user', '. $userFinder .', 'wert3'));
I enter three values manually but how can I ensure that his user id is also entered? How is it possiblöe to import the board to get the ip and add it to the db import.
sorry for my bad english