Add-on Someone PLEASE create a supported portal and media library

Shmitz, i want to understand what do you need. You need a splash portal or a more complex addon like Ip.Content for IPB?

I'm also like the Shelley proposal for collect money...
I mostly are looking for a portal. vBAdvanced for XenForo, so to speak. If it can deliver Twitter and FaceBook modules, board statistics, a slider, Recent Threads and Recent News, I'd be happy. User customizable is not a requirement in my mind, though it would be something my users might appreciate.

Enough to reproduce the frontpage we currently have at would do the trick for me nicely. I saw what you were looking for, Maximilian, and I think that's far more complex than I would require. However, if it could be built in, but switched off, that'd be fine for me. I would love to be able to stream some news towards multiple sites of my choice, but I cannot see that being useful for every article.

Most of all, though, I want something that is supported by the developer.
I like the slider on xenporta, and indeed I use sliders on a few of my wordpress sites. but i'm starting to think they are being overused lately. I'd love to see a totally new, original way of presenting information...i'll let you know what that is when I think of it!!! :rolleyes:
I'm not that attached to the slider. I do think it looks sexy and all that, but am open for alternative options. The more there is to choose from, the better :)
If you doing something with the media playback and it has the ability to upload and convert or an option to use remote encoding (maybe even + playback like youtubes api for forum owners who can't install ffmpeg and can't afford remote encoding) services... I am very serious about finding someone who has the ability to make something proper...this is not a new need for me..I have been looking for this since September of 2010 and have not been able to find a serious developer than I can work with, that also has any experience with XF systematically speaking, that has the time, and understands that uploading and encoding is not an is a need for running a media library that your community can easily add to especially if it is to be a large focal point.

If you know that person or find them, let me know and we can talk details. If what your talking about media wise could at all represent the following image in functionality... I am on board 100%

That looks awesome. I'd buyt a portal employing that just for that :) I would think my main priorities are recent threads and posts, and the slider. The rest is fluff, and I could probably easily add myself.
for me the main thing is: promoted threads, because this is powerful and flexible.
If everyone lists their primary desired features, I can easily add them to the OP so a potential coder could see what would be expected.
For the record this is on the list for Mercenary Design. However I don't see anything coming to light for like a year :/
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