Socially Uncensored : The complete idiot's guide to an uncensored world

Nice work. Style looks good but i can't help feeling for such a site you could apply a more creative logo, something that really stands out. I'd really suggest in getting something more appealing for that.

The dreaded Navigation trigger icon - Change this or re-colour it since it seems drown out and clashing since the blue colour of the icon on the blue background gradient makes it hard to see. Possible go with white icon? or something off white?

Overall, liking the whole theme ( the social icons) add a little colour and break the theme out so nice work with the choice of icons. Excellent work Adam.
Nice work. Style looks good but i can't help feeling for such a site you could apply a more creative logo, something that really stands out. I'd really suggest in getting something more appealing for that.

The dreaded Navigation trigger icon - Change this or re-colour it since it seems drown out and clashing since the blue colour of the icon on the blue background gradient makes it hard to see. Possible go with white icon? or something off white?

Overall, liking the whole theme ( the social icons) add a little colour and break the theme out so nice work with the choice of icons. Excellent work Adam.
Thanks @Shelley for your feedback.

The default style we use is Social designed by @Qwk86gn with a few small color changes for easy viewing.

I'm unsure what you mean by "navigation trigger icon". I assume or think you mean the quick navigation, which is something I personally don't use and the last I checked, neither does any of our members (I know, I asked). If you're talking about something else, you're going have to show me a screen shot as I really don't always use the terms everyone else uses (I keep things simple).

My logo I wanted to be mobile web friendly, by design (without any css or other things to make it fit).

Something simple, clean, and basic, but that would work on any color background.

The above is the one I use on lighter (whiter) themes.

The dark end of the yin yang even adapts to the color of its surroundings. ;)

I also wanted it to be something that people could easily be familiar with and make a connection. A Yin Yang serves this. It's a representation that speech has its good points and its bad points.

Finally, I need the logo to be easily recognized even as a browser icon (favicon).

But I'm always willing to accept suggestion.
I won't respond to the rest because they seem like good solid valid reasons.

Yeah the trigger Icon to the right residing in the breadcrumbs (.breadcrumb .jumpMenuTrigger) which I also agree, I find useless and nobody really uses perhaps display: none; that?
I won't respond to the rest because they seem like good solid valid reasons.

Yeah the trigger Icon to the right residing in the breadcrumbs (.breadcrumb .jumpMenuTrigger) which I also agree, I find useless and nobody really uses perhaps display: none; that?
I'm not really ready to get rid of it. Because while I may not use it and my members may not use it, I can't exactly rule out the future or guest who may expect it.

But I do agree that on Social it does look a little.... "hidden" (for a lack of a better word).

I don't want it to exactly standout. I kind of want it to be seamless with the rest of the design. But I do think I could have something a little bit better. I'm just not sure exactly what that is at this time.
@Adam Howard : I am Mscerez and I am banned on SU... the person posting as me, isn't Mscerez. She/he hacked into my account and it's the only way I know how to contact you since I'm banned from the forums. Could you please answer my PM here, thanks.

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@Adam Howard : I am Mscerez and I am banned on SU... the person posting as me, isn't Mscerez. She/he hacked into my account and it's the only way I know how to contact you since I'm banned from the forums. Could you please answer my PM here, thanks.

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cc: @Brogan
We're moving

Socially Uncensored will be moving to our new hosting provider later this evening (Monday, June 16, 2014). The move will likely start to take place around 11:30 pm EST (-4 GMT/ UCT). We selected this time because it should in theory, impact the least amount of people (being that it will be shortly before midnight on a work weekday).

We expect the downtime to be no more than a few hours. However there are some internet service providers who update their redirection time a little slower (Centurylink for example), so there is the remote chance that our site may appear offline longer for some than others.

The best way to "bypass" and overcome such an internet provider is to use an alternative DNS address other than the one supplied by your provider. There are many free alternative, but we recommend Google DNS

LINK - Using Google Public DNS - Public DNS — Google Developers

The above link will provide you some simple instructions on how to change your DNS setting. Of course this optional and you could simply wait for your internet service provider (ISP) to update, which it will eventually do.

We thank you for your time, understanding, and patience in this manner. :)
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