XF 2.2 Show specific forums on forumhome - with query?


Well-known member
Is it possible to add the forum ids to a query string (or similar method) to control which forums are displayed on the forumhome? I'm hoping to write a couple queries (or any other method that works) that will allow me to only show certain forums.

I appreciate any help or information offered. :)
Thanks for you response, Mr Lucky. :)

I'm aware of hiding forums from the main list in the settings, but was hoping for something more dynamic that I could use to show only certain forums with a link. Something similar to the code below. I'm looking for something dynamic because I have a couple different places where I need to show different sets of forums.


I remember seeing this somewhere (years ago?) but can't remember if it was on xenForo or another forum software. Since I searched and couldn't find anything, I figured I'd ask.
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