Lack of interest See how many up-voted and down-voted

This suggestion has been closed automatically because it did not receive enough votes over an extended period of time. If you wish to see this, please search for an open suggestion and, if you don't find any, post a new one.


Well-known member
If you have a suggestion-thread and allows both up-votes and down-votes.
It would be nice to see how many disliked the suggestion.

Some suggestions you either like or don't care about.
Other suggestions you really dislikes. I think it would be very informative if admins and users could see that easily. Instead of just seeing the number of up-votes.
Upvote 4
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Down votes are not going to be implemented on this site.

You can enable them for your own site.
Down votes are not going to be implemented on this site.

You can enable them for your own site.
But this was not a suggestion about this site.

It was a suggestion about seeing that 50 users have up-voted a suggestion and 40 had down-voted it. Not only see it has 10 up-votes.

If that is already the case then it is implemented. If not I would like the thread returned to suggestions.
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