RSS question


New member
So, I am considering Xen for my community. ALot of my users use the RSS feed option and I have tested the option myself with other Xen forums. The RSS links on pages seem very broken or not tended to. Can these links be corrected within the admin panels?

ALso, the RSS feeds that do work on some Xen forums seem to not show all of the RSS feed data. Only a partial amount with a click here link... is there a way to allow Xenforo to populate the entire feedcontent into the rss system?

Thanks for the helpful information!

Only a partial amount with a click here link... is there a way to allow Xenforo to populate the entire feedcontent into the rss system?
There's an option in the admin portal to control the RSS feed options; specifically one on the length of the description: "Discussion content RSS snippet length"; so you could set it to be super long not to clip/cut-off the end.

Depending on your content and how much of it you want included in the feed, those feeds could get large in size and cause the client to bog down. Depending on your objective, you may want to consider looking at XenForo's REST APIs.
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