Not a bug reported spam did not trigger super mod spam controls

Affected version
latest xf2.2
had a volume of spam in the last few hours

which was reported by the community but the spam controls did not activate, nothing where the button should be

no server errors showing up, has this occured before ?
what's the fix
If the spam button is not there then the member has been a member for too long. You will need to ban the member and delete all posts. Then go in and change the specifics for spam banning options. Go to spam management in options in the ACP and scroll down to spam cleaner user criteria and change how you like, there are more options below that as well.
If the spam button is not there then the member has been a member for too long. You will need to ban the member and delete all posts. Then go in and change the specifics for spam banning options. Go to spam management in options in the ACP and scroll down to spam cleaner user criteria and change how you like, there are more options below that as well.
member had joined at 6am this morning

let me go through the acp spam options
@jeb35 that's how it occured (y)

default max spam messages was set to 30

by the time i was online there were already 50 messages, thus the spam control didn't register

that would be my conclusion
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