MG 2.2 Remove child grouping list


Well-known member
Trying to figure out how to eliminate the list on the right of child groups. They are already listed in the side panel... so why list them again and then have the videos way below them. I've looked through the settings for XFMG and haven't found anything pertaining to it.

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And.... I figured the answer out... it takes a template edit of xfmg_category_container starting at line 18

<xf:if is="$descendentTree AND $descendentTree.count() AND property('xfmgCategoryList') != 'never'">
    <xf:if is="$mediaItems is not empty OR $albums is not empty">
        <div class="blockMessage blockMessage--small blockMessage--highlight">{{ phrase('xfmg_items_displayed_on_page_displayed_from_child_categories') }}</div>

    <div class="block">
        <div class="block-container">
            <div class="block-body">
                <xf:macro template="xfmg_category_list_macros" name="category_list"
                    arg-children="{$descendentTree}" arg-extras="{$descendentExtras}" />

and change it to this

<xf:if is="$descendentTree AND $descendentTree.count() AND property('xfmgCategoryList') != 'never'">
    <xf:if is="$mediaItems is not empty OR $albums is not empty">
        <div class="blockMessage blockMessage--small blockMessage--highlight">{{ phrase('xfmg_items_displayed_on_page_displayed_from_child_categories') }}</div>

You now end up with this

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Thanks... I knew I had seen it somewhere... one thing I do like about my template edit though is that it does put the notice at the top that the shown thumbnails are all part of child categories... so instead of going page by page through them (since they cover different topics and the thumbnails are not always clear on that for the YouTube videos) the user may be more likely to click directly into the child category list on the side if they are told that what they see are inclusive of all sub-categories.

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I can use a custom phrase also in the template edit to more fully explain (and and not mess with the default phrase) and put some FA icons in to draw attention to it.

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