XF 2.1 Registration page redirecting to Registration page...


Active member
When a new user registers they are redirected back to the registration page... and while they are sent the activation email and all is good... some users will try to register again, creating a database error.

This was working fine until we moved to a new server, where our server settings were all suppose to be the same, but something is amiss... any idea what server setting would cause this?

I assume the registration form submit button should take new users to the registration complete template... and that is where it is failing... but we can't figure out what server setting would cause that to fail to function properly.
This has been resolved... and if for some reason anyone else ever experiences this... our host uses enterprise-grade firewalls in their datacenter that, for security reasons, usually have NAT reflection disabled. Enabling this fixed the issue. It also prohibits changing emails from Admin CP.
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