XF 1.5 Quirk with templates rewriting property & CSS syntax


Well-known member
I'm wrestling with this weird quirk going on with calling Style Properties, wondering if anyone with inside knowledge of XF could offer some insight..

1. Let's say I have a custom property, @extraContent. I want to match most of the padding values of @primaryContent, so in each of the property fields of @extraContent, I enter:
Padding Top: @primaryContent.padding-all
Padding Right: @primaryContent.padding-all
Padding Bottom: 14px;
Padding Left: @primaryContent.padding-all

Style Properties  Attachments   Admin CP - Nulumia Dev Forum.webp
This works just fine, as long as the field I'm calling (@primaryContent.padding-all) has something written in it, in this case, 10px.

I then hook the div class and property together by doing this:
.extraContent {
{xen:property "extraContent"}

If I refresh the template, the above hook gets reprinted like this:
.extraContent {
@property "extraContent";
padding: @primaryContent.padding-all @primaryContent.padding-all 14px;
@property "/extraContent";

This still works. However, the next time the template is saved, it will actually update back on the Style Property page and mess it up:
Style Properties  Attachments   Admin CP - Nulumia Dev Forum (1).webp

Basically it moves the entries out of the fields and prints it on a single line. My best guess is that when it condenses into shorthand (top, left/right, bottom) as margin & padding usually does, this messes up maintaining the fields. But yet, there's plenty of properties that have condense-able entries, like 4px/8px/4px/8px, and they stay intact.

The biggest problem is if I hook other properties to these values, as soon as one goes down, all the others go down as well like.

Much thanks for any ideas or insight,
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