Quickly Upgrade xenForo If You Have Root Access [Deleted]

Gotcha! I use to do this when I was manually upgrading 8 WP installs the same way... basically at the end of copying all the files I'd do:

chown -R account:account/home/account/www/wp

I'm assuming I'll do the same for xF, just do it one folder up since I'm installing all my xf forums in the account root:

chown -R account:account/home/account/www

I was surprised that non of the replies above address this ownership question. Are you all not changing the ownership of the files when they are copied over or was that step just omitted?

WHOOPS! I just found out the hard way that changing /public_html to account:account caused me to get a 403 Forbidden error ! So, make sure public_html is set to account:nobody

Just ran into the same issue before reading your post. After running both of the following to change the owner and group, I had the 403 error:

  • chown -Rv user /home/user/public_html
  • chgrp -Rv user /home/user/public_html
What was causing the error for me ws that the Permissions on the folder public_html was for some reason changed to 705. Once I changed the permissions to 755, it started to work again and I still have the public_html set to user / user and not to user / nobody

Could I have need mistaken and the permissions on the public_html folder was always 705 but the real problem was the owner? Is there still a need to change the group no Nobody and the folder permissions back to 705?
I found this guide very helpful when I upgraded from 1.1 to 1.2 and am about to upgrade from 1.2 to 1.3.

I noticed that the guide was deleted. Any idea why? Is it a bad idea to do something like what the guide suggested?
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