XF 2.1 Problem viewing pictures [img] linked inside [url]

Jon Diez

I can´t see anything when i paste an image from the bbcode from Flickr in my recently updated Xenforo 2.1.1 (from 2.0.8)

[url=https://flic.kr/p/L66hPh][img]https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1723/28937312398_9e87793c4a.jpg[/img]Probando la X-T100[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/maskedmalayan/]Jon Díez Supat[/url], en Flickr

Anyway I can see the images in this forum:

Probando la X-T100 by Jon Díez Supat, en Flickr

Removing the url bbcode,

[URL='https://flic.kr/p/L66hPh']Probando la X-T100[/URL] by [URL='https://www.flickr.com/photos/maskedmalayan/']Jon Díez Supat[/URL], en Flickr
i can see the image in my forum... Any clue??
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