Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

I have a user complaining that his total "Like" count has been mysteriously decreasing. What could be the cause of this?
Are any of your subforums being purged of posts older than x amount of days? That happened to me, forgetting all about it after a while and was wondering about the same thing.
is this addon available on xf2 ??
No. This is probably your best bet, if you're looking for something more than the core features for XF2.1:

Any alternate of this addon that should show rating like below image

View attachment 225364
Not sure if Xon's addon has an option to layout the stats exactly like that, or close to it, but I'd ask in the addon's support thread. (See my post above.) Themehouse has one with a similar layout, which I have, but I could never get the stats to show reliable numbers, so I personally can't recommend it. Other people, though, have maybe had a better experience with it. It's here:

There's another addon for free that adds a similar stats screen under Profile/Preferences:

Use the addon from XON and you can just go on like before.
As long you dont delete the old tables from the old addon all data is stored.
I figured out how to use this query to import the "Thanks" and "dislikes" from DBtech likes mod

insert ignore into XENFORO_DB_NAME.dark_postrating select null, contentid, userid, receiveduserid, if(varname = 'thanks', THANKS_RATING_ID, if(varname = 'dislike', DISLIKE_RATING_ID, 1)), dateline from VBULLETIN_DB_NAME.dbtech_thanks_entry

I replaced the THANKS_RATING_ID and DISLIKE_RATING_ID with the ID's numbers from this mod
Works all fine

but I have there another field called "helpful" in DBtech likes which I try to import also
The variable there is called "helpful" and I want it to get into the field with the ID: 6
I tried to modify the query above to achieve this but I must do something wrong as I get errors.

Somebody could help me to setup the correct query?
Was anyone ever able to figure this out? Added a third section to the default and it gives an error. If it is cut down to the following for just the third field it doesn't import anything. Says it ran fine but 0 imported.

insert ignore into XENFORO_DB_NAME.dark_postrating select null, contentid, userid, receiveduserid, if(varname = 'dislike', DISLIKE_RATING_ID, 1)), dateline from VBULLETIN_DB_NAME.dbtech_thanks_entry

I understood that when I purchased it but was hoping that someone within the past 8 years that this addon has been around ran into the same issue of the query running without error but not importing the data. I needed this addon to import from vb. And this is the last thing before being able to complete the import and finally upgrade to version 2.2 and be done with the import. So hopefully someone will see this and shed some light on what is going on :)
For anyone that is looking for this in the future you can use this query. You can still only use one rating per post so if you allowed more than one rating on vBulletin DBThanks only one will be imported.

insert ignore into XENFORO_DB_NAME.dark_postrating select null, contentid, userid, receiveduserid, if(varname = 'FIRST', FIRST_RATING_ID, if(varname = 'SEDCOND', SECOND_RATING_ID, if(varname = 'THIRD', THIRD_RATING_ID, 1))), dateline from VBULLETIN_DB_NAME.dbtech_thanks_entry
I can't get the most positive and negative ratings on notable members to work.
It gives me cloudflare error 524 everytime I try to access that.
Anyone got the same problem or can help me into this problem?
Thank you in advance!
To each his own, but I think you guys really should think about using a chat addon that's been updated within the last 5 years.
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