PHP 5.5 - Released

The Future: PHP 5.6 and beyond
Starting with PHP 5.5, the development of the PHP compiler and its default bytecode cache is synchronized. New versions of PHP will always have robust bytecode caching available immediately after release. This eliminates a significant factor for the slow adoption of new PHP versions.

A deeper integration of OpCache and the compiler is planned for PHP 5.6 and beyond. This will, for instance, allow for more expensive optimizations of the bytecode in the compiler and improve the performance even further. It may well be that the bytecode cache will eventually not be an extension to the PHP runtime anymore but an integral part of it.
Upgrading to Wheezy was more painful than to PHP 5.5 (Dovecot, MySQL #sigh), but it seems to be a good release.
Ok so while I am dumb behind on versions, I am happy to say that I am going to upgrade to 5.4 for now (bout to do it in a few minutes) but also reinstall 5.2.x as a second option available to those who use my server by throwing one of these in htaccess (AddType application/x-httpd-php52 .php) in case they use a script that for some reason breaks upon upgrade.

I am probably going to wait about 4-5 months to move up to 5.5.

Either way 5.4.x is > 5.2.x so I guess a single step in the right direction is better than standing still.
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