[OzzModz] Thread Type Rating Competition

[OzzModz] Thread Type Rating Competition [Paid] 2.0.3

No permission to buy ($10.00)
Purchased 14th January. I've set it up in nodes. I am unsure how people actually vote? Are there tick boxes like for polls?
Is it possible to have an option to change how the voting works? I think for some people, it would better to select the winner based on how many upvotes.
1) Can admin see who has voted for who? (To check members didn't vote for themselves).
2) Can members see who has voted for who - and can this be turned on and off?
No, but there is an addon for that:

3) If it sets it up as a separate thread for the competition, can you choose which node that is in and will the thread remain after voting has ended?
Threads are created in the forum with the type "voting competition" type and remain with the same type until the thread is moved or type changed.
4) Presumably you end the competition manually - will the results still show or disappear?
The results remain. You can only change the start or end time of voting.
5) Can admin remove a vote if necessary?
No, there is no such thing. We may add this to Who voted add-on in ACP content voting log.

I am unsure how people actually vote? Are there tick boxes like for polls?
These are the up and down voting with average score display like in Suggestion and Question threads.

I think for some people, it would better to select the winner based on how many upvotes.
Should downvotes just be ignored or completely disabled?
No, but there is an addon for that:

Threads are created in the forum with the type "voting competition" type and remain with the same type until the thread is moved or type changed.

The results remain. You can only change the start or end time of voting.

No, there is no such thing. We may add this to Who voted add-on in ACP content voting log.

These are the up and down voting with average score display like in Suggestion and Question threads.

Should downvotes just be ignored or completely disabled?
Thank you.
With the "Who voted" addon, could you clarify please - does it just show who actually voted, or does it show who each voter voted for? What I mean is - can admin see who they voted for? Not members see who each voted for particularly. So I can check there's no cheating! ie members voting for themselves.
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I've got some good uses planned for this on my site, I've only run one competition so far but it has already increased activity in that area :)

Screenshot 2023-01-24 113041.jpg

Two things I've noticed from testing, when using the average votes method can the decimal value be changed from 5 to 2 decimal places as it doesn't look great on some mobile devices (tablets) as is? Also, I might have missed a setting to do this but is it possible to have an option where members cannot change their vote after submission.

Edit: scrap the first one, tidied it up now, the problem wasn't related to this addon.
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Ozzy47 updated [OzzModz] Thread Type Rating Competition with a new update entry:

[OzzModz] Thread Type Rating Competition for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.0.2

  • The addon was renamed to "[OzzModz] Thread Type Rating Competition", as well as forum and thread type - Rating competitions
  • Added forum type options to disallow editing option values for competition threads (with default values)
  • Added permission to edit disabled options
  • Added permission to limit rating change time
  • Added option to set average rating display precision value
  • Added whitelist mode for rating posts in competition
  • Added option to allow...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I dont know what I have done:
a) deinstalled actived or
b) deinstalled deactivated

but the result is now to have some threads with "Invalid thread type 'ozzmodz_ttcv_competition'"

Btw: i understand that we use our names and addon_names to give fields a name;
but is there any chance to have just "competition" instead "ozzmodz_ttcv_competition"

I have no argument for that, but I really dont like it. :
I just bought the plugin and I would like to know if it is possible to implement the start and end date of the competition to be triggered after X number of responses?

This would be perfect for contests to start and users to start rating after X number of replies in the thread without the need for the user or moderator to apply dates manually.
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... or as a compromize: a Option for "Start voting date" so members can a time upload some competition entries and Voting starts later then?

What I also miss realy - when we would use it for photo contests, I think it would a great to have a Grid view of all Attachments in a competition thread with easy possibility to vote. AndyB have a add-on what have a near by function but doesnt work in combination with your I think (not tested at the moment)
Add a new page, use a callback, fetch posts, show posts ...
I have to do this tonight but with threads in a forum instead of posts of a thread.

There should be another add-on showing all pictures of a thread, maybe from ozzy/pb?

And why should the add-on from Andy not work? Both are not connected?
a) Thread plus votes with attachments
b) show attachment of posts for a thread.

Maybe It is about the sorting? It should be one line, i guess: "order by x instead of y."
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Add a new page, use a callback, fetch posts, show posts ...
Do you have a example of that? I never used callbacks bevore, so that can be the first problem... ;-)

AndyBs add-on work, I have not sayd it generaly doesnt work but it work with default likes and have no fixed grid (I mean he uses a masonry grid). Next point is sorting... As I say - I will test it later.
... or as a compromize: a Option for "Start voting date" so members can a time upload some competition entries and Voting starts later then?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding but you can set a start and close time for the competition? I usually start a new competition on the 1st of the month, members can upload entries and the competition starts on the 4th week and voting continues for a week before automatically closing.

What I also miss realy - when we would use it for photo contests, I think it would a great to have a Grid view of all Attachments in a competition thread with easy possibility to vote. AndyB have a add-on what have a near by function but doesnt work in combination with your I think (not tested at the moment)
I'm going to be running photography competitions in the new year and I'm going to use Thread Attachment List to give easy access to all the attachments but having a grid, or even better being able to vote from the grid, would be a great addition to this addon.
We only hold one competition a year. From 1.1. until 30.6. you can upload photos and from July 1st. until 31.7. you can vote. That won't work with this addon, I assume?
We only hold one competition a year. From 1.1. until 30.6. you can upload photos and from July 1st. until 31.7. you can vote. That won't work with this addon, I assume?
The addon wouldn't have any way of preventing uploads after the July 1 (that would need to be a moderation task) but you could create the competition on January 1 and have voting automatically commence on July 1.

Here's what the options look like when setting up a competition thread

Is it possible to hide all entries untill a specific date(users can only view their own thread), or when enabled and only there people can start voting on the entries?

Also is it possible to only allow 1 thread per user.

I tried this addon on XF 2.2.15 and it looks very promising. I like especially the better fine-graded votes with decimals numbers.

What I would need to be perfect for my use case is little bit more fine tuning options in ACP, to be able to decide what a usergroup is able to see in which phase of a photo competition which voting information. So these are my suggestions:

Phase A: Uploading images.

I would need a date range only for this. Starting point and end point. Without voting options (or with a check box whether voting should be allowed at the same time or not)

Phase B: Voting

Ideally, this should have a separated pre-defined time frame after Phase A, in case the admin/thread starter did not check the check box mentioned above

Settings for visibility during voting phase

During the voting period, some admins do not like that you can see what kind of rating an image got already and above all they do not like that you can see which user rated that image with what kind of rating. This causes unnecessary emotions among the users. Additionally if you can see the rating during voting time, some users get influenced and they follow the crowd. Currently this issue is very good addressed

But sometimes a mixture of the current options is needed. This could lead to more engagement without getting emotional.

  • Show only average ratings next to the image/posting, but no usernames below the posting

Settings for the time after the contest is closed & voting finished

  • Show only average ratings next to the image/posting, but no usernames below the posting

Would it be difficult to implement these suggestion in a future version?
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Ozzy47 updated [OzzModz] Thread Type Rating Competition with a new update entry:

[OzzModz] Thread Type Rating Competition for XenForo 2.2+ Update 2.0.3

  • XF 2.3 support
  • Feature: option start & close after X replies & close after start date
  • Feature: option to limit total whitelisted post count
  • Feature: option to automatically whitelist X posts count and thread starter posts
  • Feature: permissions to manage whitelisted posts, permission to ignore whitelist limits
  • Fix: incorrect competition end notice display conditions
  • Fix: incorrect competition winner count display on thread edit page if max winner count...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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