[XB] Moderate New Replies In Thread

[XB] Moderate New Replies In Thread [Paid] 2.0.1

No permission to buy ($15.00)


Well-known member
Painbaker submitted a new resource:

[PB] Moderate new Replies in Thread - Moderate new replies in selected threads

Moderate new replies in any thread
  • Toggling moderation mode in thread tools menu
  • Users with "Submit content without approval" can bypass this option
  • Permission can be configured both for groups and for groups in specific nodes (Forum moderator permissions)

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Users with "Submit content without approval" can bypass this option

What is the purpose of this add-on then? If users can not submit content without approval then the system functions as the addon does and also will apply this to all threads in all nodes. If I set users to "Submit content without approval" then again that applies to all threads in all nodes.

I do not really understand. This addon supposes to set users to "Submit content with approval" in a single thread only.
@ALMUSA, this addon does not affect threads that not checked with "moderate new replies".
I expected to use standard XF logic and "Submit content without approval" permission will be set only for moderators.
I will add own permission or option to disable this feature in future updates.

If "submit content without approval" is set to NO, What will this add-on do? why do I need to use this addon then? Enabling or disabling moderate thread replies DOES NOTHING in either case.

If submit content without approval > NO> Moderate thread replies = No effect and you are already moderating replies through XF core system.

If submit content without approval > YES> Moderate thread replies = No effect because this addon requires submit content without approval is set to NO

confused fuck me GIF
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Based on the screenshots, it appears to be thread level functionality.

XF permissions only go down to node level.
Based on the screenshots, it appears to be thread level functionality.

XF permissions only go down to node level.
I have tested it myself. Just exactly how I described it above.

Whether users can bypass content approval or not "Moderate Thread Replies" you see in the screenshot does nothing.

Think of it logically:

If submit content without approval > NO> "Moderate thread replies" = No effect because you are already moderating replies through XF core system and users posts (globally) will always get sent to the approval queue unless overridden through node permission. Same with "Moderate replies posted in this forum" it will be applied to all threads within the node that have Moderate replies posted in this forum checked.

If submit content without approval > NO> "Moderate thread replies" = No effect because this add-on requires users to bypass submit content without approval. If users have the ability to bypass submit content without approval then this addon is expected to send new posts to the approval queue upon choosing "Moderate thread replies" in a particular thread.

To solve this issue:

This add-on should assume submit content without approval is set to YES.

This addon should have the ability to disallow bypass submit content without approval within a particular thread, Moderate replies posted in this thread in another word.

It should have its own permission to bypass submit content without approval when Moderate thread replies is enabled.
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Painbaker updated [PB] Moderate new Replies in Thread with a new update entry:


  • Added option to ignore default XF moderation queue bypass permissions ("Submit Without Approval" and "Approve Unapprove")
  • Added own permission to bypass moderation queue in threads set to be moderated
  • Stop moderating new replies for thread is now able in "reply moderated nodes" (new posts will be submited "visible" for selected threads)

Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks for the quick reply, much appreciated. I have downloaded the new version and will give it a go tomorrow.

Thanks again.
This resource has been removed and is no longer available. The following reason was provided:
This resource has been deleted by XenForo Ltd. in line with our resource housekeeping criteria.
Maybe i missunderstood the addon?
I want to set a thread to moderated and all new posts should be watched and set free to be shown.
But it doesnt work.
It is needed to do more?
@Robert9, this add-on doesn't change new post state behavior for "moderated" thread.
This just does the same as forum option "Moderate replies posted in this forum" but on thread level.

I take a look if it is possible to implement this use case.

set free to be shown
Should clarify this: "approved" posts in moderated threads will not be shown publicly.
They takes into account the thread state.
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