[OzzModz] First Post Edit Time Limit

[OzzModz] First Post Edit Time Limit 2.0.2

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Would it be fine to upgrade from the XF 1 addon to this XF 2.1 version if the intention is uninstalling to remove orphaned data?

Or what SQL query can I run to clean up the database of the XF 1's orphaned data? (if any)
I’m pretty sure you can do a straight upgrade. Or uninstall the XF1 version the install the XF2 version after upgrading.
This add-on does not modify the database in any way. So, there's no orphaned data possible.

If you uninstall the XF1 version, you would need to reset the settings for the add-on. So, upgrading would be the proper thing to do so you don't lose all of that.
Could you please add ability for editing first post only in selected forums? Thanks!
Actually you can already do this. Go to the node list, click on permissions for the node. There you can set the "Time limit on editing first post in own thread" for that node.
This is a great add-on!

For groups that we do not want to have this, do we have to go through each group and change 0 to the normal edit time? Or does the normal edit time take effect?

Example, let's say one group is 1440 minutes. Your add-on makes first post zero. Can we leave that alone or will they now not be able to edit the first post at all, and we have to match 1440? I guess there could be a use case for locking first post, like classifieds.

Hmm yeah so I guess I should match the edit time in those.
Thanks. It was working up until recently so the only thing I can think of if the last XF upgrade.
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