[OzzModz] Badges

[OzzModz] Badges 2.3.6 Beta 1

No permission to download
Server error log LogicException: Cannot manipulate data when the session is not started src/XF/Session/Session.php:111 Generated by: SynoMan 7. Jan 2024 at 20:34 Stack trace #0 src/addons/OzzModz/Badges/Listener.php(240): XF\Session\Session->__get('ozzmodzBadgesCh...')
I can confirm that's also happening on my forum.

Investigating this
I'll send you a DM build for you to check.

Also a lot of these:
Server error log InvalidArgumentException: Accessed unknown getter 'cached_badges' on XF:User[69] src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:213

Addon listeners are disabled during the update. If you stop receiving them after upgrading perhaps because of this

Since upgrading to Yesterday's update I'm having a very strange error were certain pages of threads aren't loading at all, just blank. When the badges add-on is disabled the pages load fine, but when enabled, it's just a blank page. Any potential idea on what might be causing this?
Hi @Ozzy47,

I have 7 of these staking badges assigned to my account, but the number only shows up when the badge is automatically featured. When I manually feature it, only shows as one. Could you please change this so it doesn't matter how it is featured and the number to be always visible?

Thanks in advance.
Could you also take a look at this, please? @Ozzy47 @Painbaker
I'm now getting a litany of errors:


Edit -- We had a few users with a lot of badges on display, limited everyone to 5 or 6 based on group and now things are seemingly ok again. So...lesson learned, limit badges featured to less than 10...
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I am absolutely loving this add-on, and it's getting a lot of attention in my community. Awesome idea, and amazing implementation.

Hopefully, I am doing stacking properly, time will tell...

I do have one BIG ask though, @Ozzy47 @Painbaker and I'd be happy to discuss any cost to implement this extra option for how badges are awarded:

I want to recognize my users who have been active in the forum for X amount of days, because we have a lot of old users who are not active and don't deserve to be awarded a badge that recognizes 'veteran' members.

So along with the registered since X amount of days would it be possible to get an option to award badges based off activity or logged in since X amount of days??

Thanks for any consideration!
I have 7 of these staking badges assigned to my account, but the number only shows up when the badge is automatically featured. When I manually feature it, only shows as one. Could you please change this so it doesn't matter how it is featured and the number to be always visible?

Try enabling this option and rebuilding the cache ([OzzModz] Badges: Rebuild user badge cache)

I get badges doubled


We have been trying for a long time to solve this with you in DM, so that the “previous” badges according to the criterion are taken away when the user receives a “higher” badge.

But in some cases it behaves unpredictably and for some reason both criteria return TRUE
I recommend using badge staking instead of revoking badges.
I'm now getting a litany of errors:
These errors usually occur during an add-on upgrade when code event listeners are disabled.
I do have one BIG ask though, @Ozzy47 @Painbaker and I'd be happy to discuss any cost to implement this extra option for how badges are awarded:

I want to recognize my users who have been active in the forum for X amount of days, because we have a lot of old users who are not active and don't deserve to be awarded a badge that recognizes 'veteran' members.

So along with the registered since X amount of days would it be possible to get an option to award badges based off activity or logged in since X amount of days??

You can use the "User has been active in the last X minutes" criteria from the [TH] User Criteria Extended add-on
Try enabling this option and rebuilding the cache ([OzzModz] Badges: Rebuild user badge cache)

View attachment 296515

We have been trying for a long time to solve this with you in DM, so that the “previous” badges according to the criterion are taken away when the user receives a “higher” badge.

But in some cases it behaves unpredictably and for some reason both criteria return TRUE
I recommend using badge staking instead of revoking badges.

These errors usually occur during an add-on upgrade when code event listeners are disabled.

You can use the "User has been active in the last X minutes" criteria from the [TH] User Criteria Extended add-on

Thank you, @Painbaker -- do you think that will work, though, if I want to award people for being an active member for six months, one year, two years, etc? I am going to grab it, just in case, thanks for the insight.

I wanted to show the below to make sure I am doing stacked badges properly (and to ensure I understand them properly):


In this example, the first level is Honorable Patron. For people whose support of our community surpasses the amount in HP, they should be rise to the Esteemed Benefactor level, and again when people have provided support which exceeds EB they then receive the Legendary Guardian badge.

Is that a correct use of stacking??

Thank you!
In this example, the first level is Honorable Patron. For people whose support of our community surpasses the amount in HP, they should be rise to the Esteemed Benefactor level, and again when people have provided support which exceeds EB they then receive the Legendary Guardian badge.

Is that a correct use of stacking??

Don't forget to sort all badges correctly (using sorting tool), otherwise the badges will not be stacked as you see in the ACP

You can use the "User has been active in the last X minutes" criteria from the [TH] User Criteria Extended add-on
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I have a somewhat similar query I tries to accomplish.
I want to use template conditionals to highlight resource reviews by members who received a specific badge id.
It appears that the variables from this addon is not exposed on the reviews template.
Specifically the ozzmodz_badges_received_badge_ids is not available on that template

basically, have a way to check if a user is awarded with badge number 1, then using that conditional on the xfrm_resource_review_macros template

Any advice you can give?

Don't forget to sort all badges correctly (using sorting tool), otherwise the badges will not be stacked as you see in the ACP

View attachment 296519

Gotcha... but the way I have it the one on TOP being the first, then the ones below it being the 'level up' is fine? Or do I need to sort it from the highest award possible to the lowest award possible? I think I confuse myself with overthinking this stuff LOL
Try enabling this option and rebuilding the cache ([OzzModz] Badges: Rebuild user badge cache)
Still doesn't show the number of the staking badges for some users. As I said on my previous message, if you manually feature a staking badge, it doesn't display the number, if it's automatically featured instead (let's say it's the last badge assigned to the user) then it shows the number.

It has to be some sort of bug on your end.
Try enabling this option and rebuilding the cache ([OzzModz] Badges: Rebuild user badge cache)

View attachment 296515

We have been trying for a long time to solve this with you in DM, so that the “previous” badges according to the criterion are taken away when the user receives a “higher” badge.
I have it enabled already and re-built the cache but still some users are showing twice the badge

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Our members love the original CMTV badges and we still use it today. Didn't realize the project was inherited by Ozzmods, kudos to you for taking it on and actively developing it. The one thing that didn't work on CMTV's version was the badges weren't visible on mobile devices, just on computer. Has this been updated? We haven't seen anywhere in the discussions or notes that mention this. Thanks for keeping such a great add on alive.
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